Deck Help MTG Forum
Allies in Modern? (Closed)
U/B control help with consistency. (Closed)
Zero to Aggro in 2.5 Seconds (Closed)
Do I Have Enough Burn? (Closed)
Best weenies? (Closed)
Blue/Black Control Help (Closed)
Mono black with a twist! (standard) (Closed)
First deck help (Closed)
New to EDH! Help Needed! (Closed)
Deck Critics Needed! (Closed)
could this be effective in standard (Closed)
Deck reviews? (Closed)
Bant hexproof god mode? (Closed)
best white weenie cards? (Closed)
Elspeths or Gideon?? (Closed)
Could use help/trades (Closed)
Armada wurm in selesnya aggro (Closed)
Dimir mill control, Standard. (Closed)
Help please. (Closed)
9 cuts left!! Help! (Closed)
Help me please to make a side board. (Closed)
Standard Grixis Card Alternatives? (Closed)
5 drops and enchantments - selesnya (Closed)
Point me to a new deck! (Closed)
My Very First Deck (Closed)
To Ooze or Not to Ooze? (Closed)
NEED HELP! (Closed)
Two Quick Things for EDH (Closed)
Mono Black EDH (Closed)
vintage casual? (Closed)
Building edh Chavez (Closed)
Boros Deck Help (Closed)
[[steam augury]] vs [[thoughtflare]] (Closed)
Help with a gruul deck - budget (Closed)
Comparison - 2 versions of a deck (Closed)
A little feedback before FNM? (Closed)
B/R/Bl Draw/Discard Burn Deck? (Closed)
Legacy Mono White (Combo) (Closed)
Orzhov Control Advice! (Closed)
my first control deck (Closed)
Aggro or aggro control simic? (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
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- What is your favorite mono blue mage to play as a commander?
- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
- What Card Should ReplaceSpidersilk Armor?
- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?