Deck Help MTG Forum
Esper Thieves! (Closed)
Help with B/R Minotaur Burn Deck (Closed)
Doran EDH Help (Closed)
Golgari List - Need Suggestions (Closed)
New to Aggro (Closed)
Modern combo help (Closed)
Standard Playtesting (Closed)
Melek Commander Deck (Closed)
New and need help (Closed)
RBW Midrange Tips (Closed)
Gray Merchant in B/W Mid-Range? (Closed)
Rafiq edh help! (Closed)
Looking for defender for 2 mana (Closed)
Trying out B/G (Closed)
Begging For Sideboard Help! (Closed)
Soldier Tokens (Closed)
Tymaret, the Murder King EDH Ideas (Closed)
rat help needed (Closed)
Super Friends Iland Adventure (Closed)
Check it out! Good, fun and cheap :) (Closed)
cheap fnm deck (Closed)
Card draw in BUG (Closed)
2 and 3 drops for boros? (Closed)
stupid question and I can't find Q&A (Closed)
Mono-Green Extreme Ramp (Closed)
EDH deck help wanted. (Closed)
G/W aggro help (Closed)
Anger of the Gods? (Closed)
Finishing touches (Closed)
Seeking Wisdom and +1s (Closed)
Standard SIDEBOARD HELP PLEASE!!!!! (Closed)
Help with ur faeries (Closed)
does Bestow counts as Enchantment (Closed)
Esper "thief deck" (Closed)
RUG combo help (Closed)
Need an opinion or two. (Closed)
Assistance needed for Sideboard (Closed)
Mono-White or Orzhov (Closed)
Help on dimir control std (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
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- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?