Deck Help MTG Forum
Mono-Red standard deck suggestions? (Closed)
Budget Black (Closed)
Need Critiques and Suggestions (Closed)
Eldrazi W/ Whip (Closed)
deck help (Closed)
Guildgates and aggro decks (Closed)
Advice on Dimir Dementia + 2.1 (Closed)
Deck update (Closed)
Simple Gruul Aggro (Closed)
A Four-Colored Mythic/Rare Deck (Closed)
Help me with my Sliver deck (Closed)
Mono Green Theros HELP! (Closed)
BUG standard with Duskmantle Seer (Closed)
side board help (Closed)
I need someone to check my deck (Closed)
Rakdos Aggro for Theros (Closed)
Naya Midrange (Closed)
BWG Lifegain (Theros) (Closed)
Dimir Heroic, Help With Synergy? (Closed)
New decks :D (Closed)
What do you think? (Closed)
Uncommon Tribal Deck: Help Needed (Closed)
help (Closed)
Need Deck Ideas (Closed)
Need help with Standard control. (Closed)
HELP PLEASE!!!!!! (Closed)
RWU Control (Theros Post-Rotation) (Closed)
Orzhov Mid-Range for Theros (Closed)
Manabase Problems (Closed)
Mono green help (Closed)
Doran EDH (Closed)
Dimir Mill Post rotation (Closed)
RWU Post rotation (Closed)
Need help for duel deck (Closed)
Need Idea for Modern (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
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- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?