Deck Help MTG Forum
Casual Angelic Artifacts (Closed)
Which card is better? (Closed)
looking for feedback (Closed)
modern cipher deck. need feedback (Closed)
Golgari deck needs synergy (Closed)
Modern Projects (Closed)
Gruul Elf Ramp (Closed)
Budget Boros Aggro deck (Closed)
Bestow deck based around Heroic (Closed)
Reanimator PR (Closed)
help blue white control (Closed)
People with Modern Intelligence... (Closed)
Suggestions! (Closed)
Deck Advice (Closed)
edh "junk" (Closed)
what do you think (Closed)
my first deck (Closed)
Can This Deck be Modernized?? (Closed)
How should i configure my sideboard? (Closed)
Splash Black or Red? (Closed)
Elf Deck Ramp. Heeeellllpppppp. (Closed)
just looking for ideas B/W EDH (Closed)
My Slivers need help (Closed)
Need HELP. Mono Green Elf Ramp (Closed)
Need some help with Voltron deck (Closed)
Check out some bad or........good? (Closed)
Help With Budget Dimir Deck (Closed)
Help please! (Closed)
Wizard EDH deck... (Closed)
A good use for the [[Leveler]] (Closed)
Goblin EDH, thoughts? (Closed)
Help for Dimir-Mill for THeros (Closed)
First Deck: Help!! (Closed)
[T2] Izzet Midrange (?) (Closed)
G/W Elves (Closed)
Theros pre release (Closed)
BW Reanimator (Closed)
Modern Mono-Black Control/Mid-range (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
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- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?