Deck Help MTG Forum
mono white (Closed)
New EDH Player, Advice Needed (Closed)
Esper Control Theros (Closed)
BUG control (Closed)
New American Control (Closed)
Need help with producing more mana (Closed)
need help with post rotation aggro (Closed)
B/W Humans (Closed)
Can my first monored EDH compete? (Closed)
666 odd future (Closed)
Post Roto help (Closed)
Post Theros Rakdos Aggro/Burn (Closed)
Help on a midrange deck for Theros. (Closed)
Streaming Deck Help! (Closed)
Red and green custom deck (Closed)
I need that 2cmc creature.. (Closed)
What do I do with all these weenies? (Closed)
Do I need a temple? (Closed)
Should i branch to a 3rd color? (Closed)
B/W Humans (Closed)
Revamped Deck for Theros (Closed)
Uril, the Miststalker deck edh (Closed)
Mono Green Infect Deck, Please Help. (Closed)
Making Horsie Deck better (Closed)
Need some help with my Gruul deck (Closed)
Help with my first EDH deck (Closed)
Esper (not control) sideboard help. (Closed)
Time Ebb or Voyage's End? (Closed)
Looking to get some deck's reviewed (Closed)
Instant Speed/In Response Deck? (Closed)
gruul midrange(post rotation) (Closed)
How to counter goblin-based aggro? (Closed)
What to improve in BUG Tempo (Closed)
Best Knight Deck So-Far (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
- How Many Dual Lands do I Need?
- How Good is Atalan Jackal?
- What is your favorite mono blue mage to play as a commander?
- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
- What Card Should ReplaceSpidersilk Armor?
- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?