Deck Help MTG Forum
Check out my RDW, please? (Closed)
Critique my Pauper EDH deck? (Closed)
3 color control/midrange Deck (Closed)
4 Color Combo Control (Closed)
CHECK IT OUT! B/W HAZ Spam (Closed)
Mono Red deck help (Closed)
Cheap but strong (Closed)
Animar EDH deck - a work in progress (Closed)
Crescent Moon EDH help (Closed)
Evolving Wilds (Closed)
what do you think? (Closed)
Rakdos Control(post rotation) (Closed)
Zubera Deck (Closed)
Good Strengthening Cards (Closed)
Grixis after rotation. (Closed)
Deck help and opinions please (Closed)
Grim Lavamancer vs. Guttersnipe (Closed)
Green/White Selesnya Deck Needs Help (Closed)
extort/angelic accord help (Closed)
My first attempt at Heroic (Closed)
Bounty Rush mono-green (Closed)
Should I run these cards? (Closed)
Jhoria Modern Deck Help Please (Closed)
extort/angelic accord help (Closed)
Need to cut 5 cards! (Closed)
is this deck legal (Closed)
Deck Help: Modern Reanimator (Closed)
Whipping The Eldrazi...hopefully (Closed)
Deck Help? Blue/Black Mill/Attack (Closed)
Post Rotation Rakdos Control. (Closed)
Boros Batallion Halp (Closed)
Good card to try and break? (Closed)
Post Rotation control (Closed)
Rakdos Midrange Post rotation! (Closed)
Sedge Scorpion Shenanigans (Closed)
Competitive Deck Help (Closed)
Modern Mono-Red - Suggestions? (Closed)
Good 1 drops alongside Cacklers? (Closed)
Mono-red Standard help (Closed)
Golgari deck needs some TLC (Closed)
Help with Standard Bant Hexproof (Closed)
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Recently Added
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