Deck Help MTG Forum
Mono Black "Insta-Win", modern help (Closed)
Input on my deck (Closed)
Red/Blue Deck help needed (Closed)
Which version of planeswalker? (Closed)
Bant Venser deck urgent help (Closed)
I want to smash my friends.. (Closed)
EDH for Heliod (Closed)
Card Suggestions for Group-Grixis (Closed)
Need good advice on Best Green Card (Closed)
Jund Devistation is your doom (Closed)
Good mill cards for a Dimir Deck (Closed)
Does Barrage of Expendables Stack? (Closed)
Izzet Hyper Burn (Closed)
Tariel + Vamp Tribal deck help (Closed)
12-Post Variant (Closed)
Elf or Sliver? Ramp Help Needed. (Closed)
Grand Prix Louisville (Closed)
When Innistard will go Modern... (Closed)
Bogbrew Witch Shenanigans Deck (Closed)
Need Cheap Decks (Closed)
mono blue standard (Closed)
Esper or USA (Closed)
Need help for W/U control deck (Closed)
Mono Black deck gets me slaughtered (Closed)
Modern Mono Green midrange/ramp (Closed)
Jund counter help (Closed)
Please advise on mill (Closed)
Kozilek or Ulamog in EDH? (Closed)
Choice of haste cards. (Closed)
demon deck help (Closed)
Need help with selesnya populate! (Closed)
Help meh beat the big ol fatties! (Closed)
Budget Drake Deck Ideas (Closed)
Red blue aggro control (Closed)
Need help with Selesnya deck (Closed)
UG draw and buff (Closed)
Spider Spawning Deck (Closed)
Jund Modern: Where do I go with it? (Closed)
Help with modern elf deck (Closed)
Mono White Removal (Closed)
Modern Aristocrats (Closed)
advice on my updated vampire deck. (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
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