Deck Help MTG Forum
Want some Advice (Closed)
need space in my sideboard (Closed)
Unusual Assistance Required (Closed)
Advice for Philadelphia (Closed)
Need help for W/U. New player (Closed)
what do dragon decks need (Closed)
Card replacement (Closed)
gruul aggro HEEEEELP! please (Closed)
Can't control my RAGE!!! (Closed)
Narrow down this deck? (Closed)
mono red tokens help (Closed)
Is this Broken? (Closed)
Riku Mill Deck (Closed)
angel power please help? (Closed)
How can this get any better? (Closed)
Orzhov Mid-Range Feedback (Closed)
Green FTW by Dadou; Need some help! (Closed)
Epic experiment epic experiment (Closed)
sheoldred edh help (Closed)
Slivers tune up (Closed)
Vorosh the hunter, edh problems (Closed)
Need help against very quick decks (Closed)
Maelstrom Wanderer EDH (Closed)
Splash healp (Closed)
Strionic Resonator and Enchantments (Closed)
Strionic Resonator and Enchantments (Closed)
need sideboard help (Closed)
Blood Sucking Vampires (Closed)
plz rate (Closed)
Rakdos EDH, suggestions needed! (Closed)
Sideboard (Closed)
Just looking for B/W EDH help (Closed)
First Reanimator Deck (Closed)
Unblockable Standard - Help please! (Closed)
Need help w/ weenie aggro deck. Thx! (Closed)
Imagine blaring trumpets... (Closed)
help (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
- What Card Should ReplaceSpidersilk Armor?
- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?