Deck Help MTG Forum
Aggro Deck Ability Rankings (Closed)
need help whit werewolf deck (Closed)
Help Azami Help Me, Please! (Closed)
Noob who needs help with his deck (Closed)
Grixis Deathrite Shamans? (Closed)
3 decks for you all to check out :D (Closed)
Need help with my G/R deck:) (Closed)
Draw cards in Jund (Closed)
Need help with my R/U/G deck. (Closed)
Mono green eldrazi (Closed)
how to add an image to your deck (Closed)
Saproling Deck help [[sap-swarm-2]] (Closed)
My take on Mono-Black Control... (Closed)
First constructed deck (Closed)
Efective Mill-Control (Modern) (Closed)
Green White Aura Improvement (Closed)
FNM what do you think (Closed)
Jund post rotation help. (Closed)
Mono Blue help please (Closed)
Humm.. this can be a problem.. (Closed)
BR 300 Deck please help (Closed)
Help with my first deck (Izzet) (Closed)
Help on building a R/U/G burn deck? (Closed)
First Jund Deck, Need HALP (Closed)
Need a good control finisher (Closed)
Attack on Titan [Standard] (Closed)
Zombies/Ooze, but no flying defense (Closed)
Help building U/W Control? (Closed)
I need some self control, help? (Closed)
Building Orzhov Mid-Range (Closed)
Need help making a deck around VoR (Closed)
Merieke Ri Berit EDH help (Closed)
Shadowborn Demon (Closed)
Anyone Think this is Viable? (Closed)
Sliver Me Timbers (Closed)
Standard R/W Boros Deck Help (Closed)
My First Legacy Deck (Closed)
Door of D and Wolves (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
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- Formatting a deck to have different sections
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- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?