Deck Help MTG Forum
Creature theft deck (Closed)
casual deck help required (Closed)
Esper budget control (Closed)
reya modern (Closed)
Need help designing a deck (Closed)
Lifegain BWG Brew. Ideas? (Closed)
armegeddon by jund (Closed)
looking for B/W EDH ideas. (Closed)
Animar help? (Closed)
This is my Standard Deck (Closed)
I find myself needing advice (Closed)
Budget player needing assistance (Closed)
R/B/W or B/W/G? (Closed)
extort outside of W/B (Closed)
Selesnya EDH (Closed)
Merieke EDH Help... (Closed)
Esper EDH. (Closed)
Flashy Rug (Closed)
Mono Blue post rotation (Closed)
UWR delver in standard? (Closed)
Mono-White Enchant Deck Advice (Closed)
my first deck (Closed)
TomeScour vs Cremate... (Closed)
Reaper King EDH help (Closed)
Mill Deck Help (Closed)
g/w enchant post rotation basis (Closed)
Izzet Burn Deck (Closed)
Where we going? (Closed)
Help with B/W Humans Sacrifice (Closed)
Gideon Deck Wins. Is it possible? (Closed)
Help with Modern G/W Enchant? (Closed)
Boros Deck Opinions (Closed)
Post-Rotation Naya (Closed)
[[Shadowborn-servitude]] help needed (Closed)
green and red edh deck help (Closed)
Mono black anti ally? (Closed)
Mono Blue Deck Help pleasssssseeeee (Closed)
Dragon Deck Help (Closed)
Grixis Control Standard (Closed)
Help. Mono Blue (Closed)
EDH Help? (Closed)
Selesnya Aggro (Closed)
Black -1/-1 Counter Deck (Closed)
Phyrexian Obliterator (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
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- Using shrazarad
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