Deck Help MTG Forum
dont know what deck to make (Closed)
Newer Mono Red Aggro (Closed)
Golgari Guild Opinion Poll (Closed)
Standard Mill FNM this week (Closed)
Bant Tempo -> Can it work? (Closed)
EDH Help? (Closed)
-1/-1 deck... for my creatures (Closed)
Need A Place To Dump Mana (Closed)
Sideboard help (Closed)
Budget Orzhov deck help. (Closed)
EDH Sliver Allies (Closed)
Which hexproof creature (Closed)
orzhov control help (Closed)
BU Standard Mill (post rotation) (Closed)
Another Elves deck (MODERN) (Closed)
Ghostly Prison or Norns Annex (Closed)
Grixis EDH help? (Closed)
Skeletons & Vampires (HELP) (Closed)
Help with a mono white budget deck. (Closed)
Help on an aggro deck (Closed)
Dimir Control/Mill Refining (Closed)
EDH Deck Help (Closed)
Sideboarding Shenanigans (Closed)
Diplomatic Magic (Closed)
Help with my new boros deck (Closed)
Standard Mono-Black (Chickenman) (Closed)
tapped out allies (Closed)
indestructible needs help (Closed)
please help with my B/R burn deck (Closed)
Casual to Modern (Closed)
What makes a deck competitive? (Closed)
Shinobi Demon Death Blow (Closed)
help cant beat my friend (Closed)
UBR Ninja x Master of Cruelties help (Closed)
Tamiyo Skies final tweaking (Closed)
Ninja deck (Closed)
post rotation gruul (Closed)
Sneak and Breach (Closed)
UWR deck help (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
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- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
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- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?