Deck Help MTG Forum
Help with my First Deck Plz (Closed)
Midrange Sanguine (Closed)
orzhov.. standard.. lets beef it up (Closed)
Help against control (Closed)
B/W Exalted deck - first try (Closed)
Budget Devour EDH help (Closed)
Help with the Door (Closed)
Adding Lands (Closed)
Problems with Removal (Closed)
Preparing for Grand Prix Detroit (Closed)
Defence against unblockable (Closed)
Hero of Bladehold-yes or No? (Closed)
Naya Auras Mana Curve (Closed)
Looking for suggestions (Closed)
Need Help from the community (Closed)
need suggestions (Closed)
Boros Deck Suggestions (Closed)
My first deck (Orzhov) (Closed)
any more ideas or suggestions ? (Closed)
Commander deck advice (Closed)
Competitive EDH Needs Help (Closed)
need some help with my turbofog (Closed)
against hexproof (Closed)
Angel Token Life Gain (Closed)
My first deck in tappedout (Closed)
Looking for... stuff. (Closed)
T2: Opinions on R/U/G? (Closed)
i hate green mages.... (Closed)
dark confidant, yes or no? (Closed)
Help with new B/R deck (Closed)
Fire the mancannon! (Closed)
Orzhov help (Closed)
Need some assistance and an opinion. (Closed)
Looking for a U/B finisher (Closed)
First EDH build (Closed)
Help with deck... (Closed)
tokens on 4 colors (Closed)
Completely New To Modern! (Closed)
Video - > Deck list, help please (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
- How Many Dual Lands do I Need?
- How Good is Atalan Jackal?
- What is your favorite mono blue mage to play as a commander?
- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
- What Card Should ReplaceSpidersilk Armor?
- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?