Deck Help MTG Forum
Fine tuning Help (Closed)
How hard would you tap this? (Closed)
what's a green deck to do? (Closed)
Abusing Dismiss Into Dream (Closed)
Junk EDH/Commander Help (Closed)
Myr Deck- What to Include? (Closed)
Mono red or Red/White token deck? (Closed)
Need a hand making cuts (Closed)
Need feed back for this deck (Closed)
legion of bolas (Closed)
M14 mill deck help (Closed)
Jace and Vraska.. (Closed)
B/U/G/ Counter/midrange (Closed)
Blue control deck help (Closed)
gruul enchantments. (Closed)
Need help with Hugs EDH! (Closed)
legacy tezzeret. (Closed)
G/W slivers (Closed)
Mono Green Stompy (Closed)
Help with Selesnya sliver deck (Closed)
Help with Riku EDH (Closed)
RUG midrange or mill (Closed)
standard aggro. (Closed)
tapped out allies (Closed)
Group Hug :) (Closed)
Fastest red deck possible? (Closed)
So I hear you like control. (Closed)
modern allies ideas (Closed)
Ruric Thar EDH help (Closed)
I Need Zombies !! (Closed)
please help with blue, green, black (Closed)
Advice on EDH G/W Rhys deck (Closed)
Return to Mono Blue (Closed)
M14 Advise Please Help (Closed)
The Black Philosophy--HELP (Closed)
Upgrading with M14 (Closed)
safe idea? (Closed)
Elf Tribal viable in Standard? (Closed)
please help with blue, green, black (Closed)
Can't decide what to take out. (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
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- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?