Deck Help MTG Forum
Requesting help with esper Deck (Closed)
R/U/G Ideas (Closed)
Post Rotation deck possibly (Closed)
I need help with 2 decks... (Closed)
kiki jiki. (Closed)
Burn help (Closed)
just an idea (Closed)
Pili-Pala and Grand Architect help (Closed)
Input needed badly...please (Closed)
what to do with my 3th orb. (Closed)
Can i run this card (Closed)
trying to prepare (Closed)
The Grimorie Thief needs YOU! (Closed)
bolas combo (Closed)
i wanna make a good mill deck but... (Closed)
Sideboard help (Closed)
New Player help with Zombie Deck. (Closed)
Protoype Portal Deck Idea (Closed)
Retrying my old Cleric deck (Closed)
What do you think of it ? (Closed)
Need help with curse deck (Closed)
Made a 5 color deck... (Closed)
Lorescale deck, need more creatures (Closed)
B/G/R -Counter Abuse (Closed)
Need help deciding please (Closed)
question about timing (Closed)
need help with mana base (Closed)
Could use some tips for tonights FNM (Closed)
too many cards, AGAIN! Edh Thrax (Closed)
Grixis Mill Feedback (Closed)
Looking for help on Izzet burn deck (Closed)
want help improving B/W/G mid range (Closed)
Rakdos EDH help (Closed)
Looking for some deck decisions help (Closed)
Looking for some specific help. (Closed)
Stompy V.2 (Closed)
Competitive Exalted (Closed)
Card draw help in a B/R Madness deck (Closed)
Greedy Reanimation (Closed)
Boros Standard Aggro (Closed)
golgari scavenge/deathtouch (Closed)
Polar Bears (Closed)
Bant.. meh..RUW Auras (Closed)
Please give me some feedback on this (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
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- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?