Deck Help MTG Forum
Building a Life Gain Deck (Closed)
Help with my first Golgari deck! (Closed)
Need extort advice! (Closed)
Subsitute for Hamlet Captain? (Closed)
Confused about Sphinx of Chimes. (Closed)
Help with my Gorgon (Closed)
Standard Junk Grave Synergy Help (Closed)
Junk-mash Help! (Closed)
Looking for suggestions to trim down (Closed)
Reaper king (Closed)
First EDH deck, help appreciated (Closed)
Bloodrush Infect Suggestions (Closed)
self made EDH deck, needs advice! (Closed)
Would [[ash zealot]] shine here? (Closed)
Last Minute ideas for Izzet? (Closed)
Help with the sideboard... (Closed)
Ideas For Green, White, Blue Tokens? (Closed)
Turbo Fog Ideas (Closed)
How can I make my deck stronger (Closed)
Any Advice Welcome (Closed)
Ravnican Police (Closed)
bolas deck help (Closed)
Reanimator in Modern (Closed)
Help me on this aggro deck! (Closed)
Thought I'd Share this, its funnnn (Closed)
Sacrifice Deck Help Please (Closed)
Budget Legacy / Modern (Closed)
Gruul Midrange (Closed)
made my first Junk! need tips! (Closed)
Need Solutions to Black Modern (Closed)
I made a Rakdos deck. (Closed)
How can i do my sideboard? :S (Closed)
Looking for help GBW standard deck (Closed)
Help me make my deck run smoother (Closed)
Help my sideboard (Closed)
Help me choose cards (Closed)
Need Help for FNM (Closed)
Viashino Firstblade in Boros? (Closed)
black white control cards? (Closed)
omniscience cheating (Closed)
HELP (Closed)
UW FLASH - need reviews! (Closed)
Review my deck please. (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Using shrazarad
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