Deck Help MTG Forum
Edh help (vague i know) (Closed)
Land destruction help (Closed)
EDH 5 Color Planeswalker Deck (Closed)
Help me with my Simic-Deck (Closed)
looking for any more advice (Closed)
(W/U) Need some advice (Closed)
Need help on Vorel (Closed)
Is this a good deck change? (Closed)
Which to bring to FNM? (Closed)
standard discard with speed (Closed)
Detain vs Battalion (Closed)
Budget Rakdos Aggro (Closed)
Guys! Plz help Sheoldred EDH (Closed)
Standard Izzet Beatface! (Closed)
Turn 1 Black Mana Ramps (Closed)
Help me with my deck? (Closed)
pointers for evo craziness (Closed)
Mono Green Infinite Mana Combos (Closed)
U/W Blinky control deck (Closed)
Draw cards in red. (Closed)
Its setup (so far) for FNM (Closed)
Which Wall is better? (Closed)
ideas for grixis discard (Closed)
Fun Goblin Deck for FNM (Closed)
Ideas and advice on 2 decks for FNM (Closed)
Help me find an underlying strategy? (Closed)
Deck ideas for standard FNM (Closed)
Sideboard help needed for Simic deck (Closed)
Help with casual goblin deck (Closed)
Looking for advice for new FNM deck (Closed)
Red Burn Budget improvements (Closed)
Constant Mana Screw (Closed)
Tajic add or not? (Closed)
Birthday help! (Closed)
Help me with my mana base? (Closed)
Mono Black Deck (Closed)
What's the best X cost burn card? (Closed)
jund needs help (Closed)
R/w sligh needs help (Closed)
Gruul Aggro Sideboard Help (Closed)
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