Deck Help MTG Forum
Artifact Creature Deck NEED HELP (Closed)
Competitive Mill. Help! (Closed)
Competitive Grixis Control (Closed)
Junk Reanimator Help (Closed)
BU ramp (sort of) deck - assistance. (Closed)
Critique my FNM Bant Elf Deck (Closed)
To Sigarda or not? (Closed)
Ral Zarek +1 Help (Closed)
Grixis Mill Aggro...its a thing (Closed)
making seance competitive (Closed)
Simic Deck w/ either W or B (Closed)
Dimir deck - Mill/Control (Closed)
Jund deck and counters (Closed)
Is this competitive? (Closed)
QUICK! suggest on my Boros standard (Closed)
Extort deck: Need feedback! (Closed)
Rogue BUG Self-Mill (Closed)
Opinions on decks RUG and jund decks (Closed)
Feedback on new populate deck (Closed)
Please Comment my new modern deck (Closed)
Control Players Help! (Closed)
Need help to improve a fun deck (Closed)
Ral Zarek (Closed)
Need Constructive Criticism (Closed)
First attempt at EDH (Closed)
Building for States (Closed)
Junk Reanimator (Closed)
FNM Worthy? You decide. (Closed)
Critique my deck for FNM please! (Closed)
Looking for a deck for States... (Closed)
Trying to think outside the box (Closed)
EMP: The Experience Milling Project (Closed)
[[Maze's End]] Deck (Help Please) (Closed)
favorite fatties? (Closed)
Attempt at Golgari Deck (Closed)
FNM first time help! (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
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- Using shrazarad
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