Deck Help MTG Forum
Yeva's Surge to Victory (Closed)
Critique for Gruul Aggro Deck? (Closed)
Nydus Counters: First Standard (Closed)
Junk Midrange (Closed)
Dimir Mill Deck Help (Closed)
Dimir Mill/Late Aggro (Closed)
FNM Standard help (Closed)
duskmantle seer, lazav deck help? (Closed)
please help with vampire deck (Closed)
BG +1/+1 Counter (Closed)
Help with a Tribal Zombie EDH (Closed)
First Modern Tournament (Closed)
FNM Help (Closed)
Esper control. Help needed! (Closed)
2HG for FNM help (Closed)
Help a new player (Angels) (Closed)
Artifact EDH Deck ? Yea(: (Closed)
Gruul Aggro Budget Deck (Closed)
GW Tokens, I need removal! (Closed)
To Augur, or not to Augur? (Closed)
Vorapede or Duskmantle Seer (Closed)
Sheoldred EDH (Closed)
wolf run deck advice please! (Closed)
bug mill, suggestions needed (Closed)
Izzet Tweaking Time? (Closed)
RUG synergy! (Closed)
How to use [[Brion Stoutarm]]... (Closed)
Want suggestions for a new general (Closed)
Golgari suggestions (Closed)
Goblin burn sideboard help?!?! (Closed)
What do you all think? (Closed)
Need Feedback!!! (Closed)
FNM pointers (Closed)
61 cards should i cut one? going FNM (Closed)
Please help!!! (Closed)
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Recently Added
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