Deck Help MTG Forum
Doorkeeperless, Alchemistless mill? (Closed)
Izzet! (Closed)
Thoughts on my R/W/U Deck (America) (Closed)
Guttersnipe decks (Closed)
All dual-color decks (Closed)
One-mana decks (Closed)
Help with zombie deck (Closed)
Help With Regenerate (Closed)
B/R Shrieking affliction control (Closed)
Thoughts on my deck? (Closed)
Really cool idea, hard application (Closed)
G/U -- Pacing? (Closed)
Corpsejacks and Hydras. (Closed)
Is this deck evil enough? (Closed)
control vs control need help (Closed)
Help making another casual deck (Closed)
Bant Aggro/Control help (Closed)
Feedback wanted (Closed)
Standard Izzet (Closed)
Budget Jund (Closed)
Sorry here is the correct deck list (Closed)
Help wanted (Closed)
Help with R/U/W Lifegain Burn (Closed)
BlackMill deck (Closed)
aggro or control? (Closed)
Casual Esper Control: Worth It? (Closed)
Izzet Draw Deck (Closed)
which one do i pick? (Closed)
Epic Experiment (Closed)
Selesnya Humans Help (Closed)
Exalted Sphinxes in control (Closed)
Old cards new deck help (Closed)
Grixis Control Help (Closed)
tribute or murder (Closed)
I need redundancy (Closed)
U/B need some ideas (Closed)
EDH Jund deck (Closed)
Is this good enough for legacy? (Closed)
Help Needed (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
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- What is your favorite mono blue mage to play as a commander?
- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
- What Card Should ReplaceSpidersilk Armor?
- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?