Deck Help MTG Forum
deck with 65 lands??? WHAT!!!!! (Closed)
Help make spirits a tier 1 deck! (Closed)
Spirits back on top! (Closed)
Spirits, please please Help. (Closed)
Why does no one play this? (Closed)
Looking for Advice on a Spike Deck (Closed)
Zombies need help (Closed)
Eldrazi Ramp: Need Suggestions (Closed)
I'll feature your deck! (Closed)
RU Delver, Need deck advice! (Closed)
Help a B/G deck not suck so much... (Closed)
Advice on B/R Proliferate? (Closed)
The New Speedsters (Closed)
Goblins! OH MY! HELP (Closed)
Modern Mill Ally's (Closed)
Esper-Dial? (Closed)
I need some advices... (Closed)
Spirit Delver deck (Closed)
Land destruction/control (Closed)
Legacy burn draw??? (Closed)
Help with birthing pod (Closed)
R/W Metalcraft Deck Help (Closed)
U/B Zombies, what should i change? (Closed)
Need Some Good Advice (Closed)
Some advise for W/B tokens (Closed)
Deck concepts and advice (Closed)
Advice required please (Closed)
G/W Standard Splicer-Ramp (Closed)
New to this, R/G ramp help (Closed)
Need help for my standard deck (Closed)
New RUG Vengeance (Closed)
Little help with my aura W/G deck! (Closed)
Help with my Black Aggro deck (Closed)
Trying to build my first U/R (Closed)
Help with my first deck (Closed)
Make my tokens faster (Closed)
Making a consistent RDW (Closed)
Sleepy time (Closed)
Need Advice With Podless G/B Pod! (Closed)
U/R burning vengeance deck (Closed)
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