Deck Help MTG Forum
Multi Player Deck (Closed)
White agro (Closed)
Modern Decks? (Closed)
UB Control with Infect? Can it work? (Closed)
zombies viable? (Closed)
Infect? (Closed)
Gobble Gobble (Closed)
Make a Helvault Deck (Closed)
GameDay is coming! (Closed)
vampires (Closed)
u/b humans combo (Closed)
Soul Sisters Aggro help (Closed)
need help with my casual deck (Closed)
I'm not sure which card to choose (Closed)
Need a sideboard please help! (Closed)
How many decks are too many? (Closed)
is this a good combo for modern? (Closed)
American Control is still strong! (Closed)
Cairn/Concerted Effort/Zombie Help (Closed)
Beating the Meta (Closed)
Need a sideboard, please (Closed)
R/B Vampire Aggro (Closed)
Faithless Looting in a Vamp Deck? (Closed)
Some love for White Sun Run?? (Closed)
Red White Werewolves!? (Closed)
Adding Havengul Lich??? (Closed)
G/W Phyrexian deck (Closed)
Cleaning the RUG (Closed)
B/R Vampires with Splash White (Closed)
Which delver deck is better? (Closed)
[Standard]U/W Spirits[Suggestions] (Closed)
Would this change be worth it? (Closed)
Speed up my deck (Closed)
Weaknesses? (Closed)
under $1 deck... umm beats $100 deck (Closed)
This deck is up to you (Closed)
need seroius legacy help quick (Closed)
Break the Cage (Closed)
Help needed on budget league deck (Closed)
artisan of kozilek equivlent (Closed)
My friend would like input (Closed)
whats the best deck in standard? (Closed)
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