Deck Help MTG Forum
Dark Sligh (Closed)
Lots of counters!!! (Closed)
Building a W/G Ramp/Control (Closed)
Dealing with WG Humans (Closed)
PLEASE HELP!! (Closed)
Suggestions for Balefire Humans? (Closed)
Help would be appreciated :) (Closed)
Help with my turny deck! (Closed)
Best mana fixing (Closed)
3 turns win standard (Closed)
my casual life gain updated (Closed)
possible to balance aggro/control? (Closed)
need revison of life gain deck (Closed)
doing it for the lulz (Closed)
improve this deck (Closed)
Kaalia of the Vast EDH tips (Closed)
EDH need help (Closed)
Human Deck (Closed)
U/B spirit/control (Closed)
Mono Black Zombie deck (Closed)
R/B Vamps (Closed)
Help with Kessig/Elves (Closed)
Modern Selesnya United Deck Help (Closed)
Tolkien's Masterpiece (Closed)
My 5 Color Deck (Closed)
fnm deck help please! (Closed)
DKA WW Attempt (Closed)
I'll just leave this here... (Closed)
standard boros aggro (anti bounce] (Closed)
B/U/R Sorin Coil Help (Closed)
Updated Spirit Deck (Closed)
RDW feedback wanted (Closed)
some feedback? (Closed)
Help with UB Control (Closed)
Sen Triplets (EDH) (Closed)
New sorin deck. I want suggestions. (Closed)
Builder's Block (Closed)
B/W Tokens back? (Closed)
RBU sacrifice Deck (Closed)
First Try at G/W Humans (Closed)
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