A list for those willing to look at a few casual decks.
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 11, 2013, 10:45 a.m. by Dreno33
I play casually and not standard. I do not have the money for it and so I play with just proxies (nice proxies, printed perfectly and glued onto commons). A few of my friends do as well just for fun. These are some decks I have been working on and was wondering if any of you would be willing to take a look. I like to do fun ideas to make the game interesting and always a fan of cruel control, haha(: Thanks for reading, hope to see some of your posts in the decks, guys.
Ciao, Dreno33
Assembled Numbers - G/R/W
This deck's idea is about pulling Assemble the Legion out with Doubling Season , essentially. Aggro ramp added with some icing to the cake.
Chaotic Board State - B/W
Lots of token producing with lots of sacs, Grave Pact and Blood Artist along the way to keep their board in a twist. Just a fun deck to mess around with
10 Ways to lose a Friend - W/U
Using cards like Telepathy T1 and Meddling Mage T2 for some smiles. Or how about an overloaded Cyclonic Rift into a Silence their next turn? Just for shits and giggles
Blood Thinner - G/R
I, personally, am a Hemophiliac. I thought it was appropriate to create a Bloodrush deck. This deck though is casual format and I have added cards that I feel would be more efficient compared to the standard version. For example, attacking with Xantid Swarm . A nice flyer T2, usually unblockable and basically given hexproof, add a little Slaughterhorn or Ghor-Clan Rampager . Also, a nice attacker to use in this Bloodrush theme I felt was Radha, Heir to Keld : helps pay for its own bloodrush or just a mana dork. This deck is pretty fun, but could use some work of course.
Obamanation - R/W/U
This is my first attempt at a RWU deck. Mostly instants and sorceries, and some of the best in the game at that. Some artifact rampers for the "X" spells and lovely Mana Drain s for your next turn to cast big Aurelia's Fury s and Sphinx's Revelation (: Check it out if you think you may want to suggest something here and there.