Adding Thrull Parasite for counter removal.

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 6, 2013, 11:05 a.m. by icarusfalls

Hey all, my deck includes 4 Geralf's Messenger . Do you think adding Thrull Parasite to remove the Undying counters is a good option? Or does a deck need more undying cards to benefit from the combo? Or maybe as a sideboard card? I know I have to pay 2 life, and maybe that doesn't make it worth it. Not really sure!


golffore297 says... #2

I would probably put 2 in my sideboard and take out Devour Flesh or maybe Duress . If you ran more undying, you could most definitely mainboard it, but seeing as it's just the Messengers, I would only use it when I needed to. It's an interesting trade-off if your opponent has less life though, since they lose 2 life from messenger, and then you would lose 2 life from parasite.

August 6, 2013 11:31 a.m.

icarusfalls says... #3

Thanks for the input! I often face off against these esper control decks, where I always get them down to about 7 life before they get there board state to where it needs to be, and I'm still at 20 or close to it, so being able to trade life on an uncounterable ability could be an interesting tactic. I could also use the extort ability on the Thrull Parasite to whittle them down. I tested putting Contaminated Ground on their win condition lands like Nephalia Drownyard . It often makes them burn a counterspell if they have it.

Ill probably play test it for fun and see how it goes. Thanks again!

August 6, 2013 11:49 a.m.

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