Adjusting a Deck to Increase its Speed
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 29, 2012, 9:40 p.m. by gheridarigaaz
Okay so my deck deck:surgical-swimmers is a fun deck with a quirky concept and a lot of low costing spells
9 are 4 to cast and up among which 5 have X in their costs
11 are 3 cmc spells
15 are 2 cmc spells
5 are 1 cmc spells
it runs on 20 land and manages fine due to a few ways i can reuseably topdeck my library
however the deck hasnt won a game once, perhaps due to the theme which is a bit of a slow controlling theme, or the fact that it isnt fast enough or maybe even that i dont draw as many cards as i should be able to or deal with threats as fast as i should be able to, any help would be appreciated.