Advancing New deck- Beginner player

Deck Help forum

Posted on April 8, 2012, 6:21 p.m. by Izzy509

Hey, I'm new to MTG and the site and just wanted to get some advice.

One of my friends started teaching me to play a little while ago and I absolutely loved the game! Anywho, I was short on money so my friend got me one of the Dark Ascension starter decks so I could jump in and start playing. I decided on going with the Dark Sacrifice starter deck which focuses on black white manna.

Now I've gotten to play around with it a bit with my friend but I know I'm going to need some improvements and adjustments if I'm going to get serious. There are a few cards from the booster pack already added to the deck but if anyone would leave some suggestions about advancing my deck and play that would be fantastic.

Deck link belowFirst Hand

TL;DRNew player, black white manna starter deck, advice for deck and playing requested.


rckclimber777 says... #2

Here are some tips for playing:

The more you know about the rules, the far better you'll be as a player. One thing to help with that is read up in the MTG Q and A occasionally. As you hear and listen to other players ask questions, you'll get a better sense of the intricacies of the game which will help considerably.

When building a deck you normally want to make sure that you can do several things:

First you want to make sure that you have a Win condition. Ie something in your deck that is going to win you games. Whether that means Lots and lots of creatures to swarm your opponent or a few big bombs that once they hit the field it is just about game over. Or some other method such as a combo that ends the game or might as well end the game.

Next you want to make sure that you have a way to recover if the above fails or if your opponent's win condition is faster than yours. For instance if you're playing a slow deck you're going to want to have a way to handle a deck that puts out lots of small guys very quickly. Cards like Day of JudgmentMTG Card: Day of Judgment and Black Sun's ZenithMTG Card: Black Sun's Zenith come in handy there.

Typically the above is directed towards having alternate win strategies and also removal spells such as Doom BladeMTG Card: Doom Blade, Go for the ThroatMTG Card: Go for the Throat, Beast WithinMTG Card: Beast Within etc.

You also want to take a look and see how much each card costs as far as mana cost goes and plan your lands accordingly. If you have a lot of high cost cards that you're gonna want to get out quickly, then 24-26 lands may be appropriate. If everything in your deck costs 3 or less then you can probably get by with 21 or less lands.

Whenever you play someone, take note of how you feel when you draw a card from the deck. Are you happy you drew that card? Do you wish you drew a different card? These are helpful in determining just how effective that card is in the deck. If everytime you draw it, you're glad to see it, it may be worth having a playset (4) in. If you hate seeing that card more often than not, you can probably drop it and look for a better card that fits better in your deck.

Finally one of the best ways to get better is get to know the cards. If you know what cards you have to work with, you know what your opponent is working with. is the database for cards and is an excellent resource. Also each set often comes out with a card list on the wizards site and also comes with the fat pack of the set. (some websites sell this player's guide separately). I've found those to be an invaluable tool as its a quick reference to go to in finding the right cards for a deck or reminding me of cards that I'm less familiar with.

Anyway I hope that this helps and that you begin to enjoy magic as much as the rest of the people on this site. It's a great game and has plenty of intricate strategies to master.

April 8, 2012 9:22 p.m.

Vman says... #3

ide listen to rckclimber777 he knows what hes doing . anyhows i left some notes on ur deck so feel free to ask any questions on it ill be more than happy to help out

April 9, 2012 12:18 a.m.

Izzy509 says... #4

Thanks for the recommendations and tips! I'll definitely dig my nose into the MTG Q & A department as much as I can. I'm gonna play casually with some friends until I get my deck neatly groomed and I have acquired a better understanding of the game. Then my friends are going to have me start going to Friday Night Magic with them so I can begin to fully experience the world of the Plaineswalkers.

April 9, 2012 11:08 p.m.

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