Advertise Your Deck, Any Format!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 19, 2018, 11:16 p.m. by Darkshadow327
I know, there are lots of advertisement forums like this one. I just thought people might like another one. This one isn't format specific, so post any format of deck here that you would like. And, as I'm sure you are all aware, this is like the guy above you forum games.
You may only advertise one deck at per post.
You must wait 1 week to post again (or 10 posts after yours, whichever happens first)
When you post please leave genuine feedback that you feel could help on the deck immediately above yours, don't just say "Cool Deck" (You don't have to leave an upvote, but I'm sure that it would be greatly appreciated).
Please be respectful when giving feedback, people have put a lot of time into these decks
A little description of what your deck likes to do when you post will probably be helpful as well.
Finally, please use the "deck-large" formatting when posting decks. It looks like "deck-large:deck-name-here", just with double brackets instead of quotation marks.
I'll start it off:
This deck runs off of the infinite combo of Bloodline Keeper + Intruder Alarm . So basically you just want to keep pesky stuff off the board and control you opponent until you can get it to fire.
This thread already exists as a sticky, and can be found here Sure, the rules are slightly different, but the core concept--any format is allowed--remains the same.
A fact you, Darkshadow327 were already aware of when you made this thread, considering you had posted on the above-linked thread a couple times before making this one.
Let's try not to clutter up the forums with redundant topics!
December 20, 2018 8:47 a.m.
Darkshadow327 says... #4
I'm sorry cdkime, I was just trying to help people out. I just figured that people would appreciate having an additional place to advertise their deck and get feedback.
I can take it down if you want
Chasmolinker says... #2
[[Primer]] - Jund Midrange
Modern Chasmolinker
SCORE: 197 | 220 COMMENTS | 27475 VIEWS | IN 57 FOLDERS
This deck runs efficient threats and cheap removal/disruption to maintain control of the board state until there is a clearing to power through.
December 20, 2018 8:17 a.m.