advice? tips?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 23, 2013, 9:31 a.m. by Stevesutton

i put the link up im not sure if i can post my deck another way? sorry.

basically i want to put a his creatures into his graveyard, and have a few defending creatures until i get purphoros out, then cast my token sorcery cards to do max damage. aimed against friends i play against mainly that will be handy on free for all aswell.

im expecting to get a couple creatures out and destroy a couple of theirs, get purphoros out and cast which ever token cards come into hand, if i dont get purphoros then overrun with multiple creatures ect.

the deck is built with cards i own already since i dont really buy singles.

i need to drop 2 cards somewhere but i dont know what. also i guess an obvious choice would be my fuse cards but they are just in case, they have a couple winds of rath hich i would like to defend against if possible and the dirty just incase they put a card i need in graveyard.

if possible aswell and if advised i would like to put council of absolute truth in there somehwhere to either help me cast or to stop them using an annoying card.

sorry for rambling my first thread and also fyi im a mtg noob. started about 3 months ago.thanks

Stevesutton says... #2

Tranquility just found that out sorry

December 23, 2013 9:37 a.m.

nobu_the_bard says... #3

I posted a simple couple of suggestions. It's not bad for a first foray but try to keep your deck down to two or three colors if possible; playing all five colors puts a lot of pressure on your manabase that is troublesome. Particularly you aren't going to really benefit from devotion much, so you should probably drop Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx .

Jund colors (green/red/black) are good for tokens and removal, and you are trying to spawn tokens to maximize Purphoros, God of the Forge . You probably should try to get your hands on more copies of him so you are less reliant on your tutors, which are expensive and riskier than just drawing into him.

December 23, 2013 10:05 a.m.

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