Against Control decks
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 20, 2013, 1:20 a.m. by rayrand
Recently, I've been having trouble playing against control decks. I only win against control decks post sideboard however, since the first game ends so slowly, my matches always ends as a draw.
Recently, I added 2 Aurelia, the Warleader to add some haste damage in my deck however, I had to sacrifice 1 Thragtusk and 1 Huntmaster of the Fells Flip .
Can Anyone else provide some feedback for my mainboard to make it more competitive against control decks?
Here's the link for my deck:
Thanks in advance, guys!
Thanks detentionsphere!
Actually, my deck runs great against Esper control post board. As advised by a friend, 4 Domri Rade s rape control decks since they let them pay for stalling the game. No control deck has ever beaten this deck post board so my matches always end up as draws.
What I'm actually concerned about is my main board since if I place in my main board all my Domri Rade s, I'll have to take out the Searing Spear s which is bad against other aggro and some midrange decks.
As an answer to this, I thought of adding some haste creatures to pick up the pace. This is why I sacrificed 1 Thragtusk and 1 Huntmaster of the Fells Flip for 2 Aurelia, the Warleader s.
What do you think? Is it a good trade-off?
Thanks again!
April 20, 2013 5:04 a.m.
detentionsphere says... #4
First of all, Domri is amazing against control, so great idea. I play Esper and back when Naya Zoo was a thing, the matchup was a nightmare thanks solely to that card; it comes down early, accrues card advantage, and has an ultimate that reads: "if you control a creature, you win the game."
As for Aurelia... she is good, but not better than Huntmaster or Thragtusk . I think that she occupies practically the same role as Thundermaw and that the question is not her or Huntmaster/Tusk, but her or Thundermaw, and 2 slots is enough.
BTW, if you have a problem with going to time after Game 2, just learn to scoop really early in Game 1. Basically, after their second Revelation, if they have a Drownyard, just scoop because the chance of you winning is miniscule.
April 20, 2013 5:43 a.m.
Actually, I saw a Naya Zoo build where they don't play any Huntmaster of the Fells Flip . Aurelia, the Warleader and Angel of Serenity replace the Huntmaster. In got the idea from that deck. But, I think you're right. I just need to scoop in early and wait for game 2 and hopefully, game 3.
Thanks, detentionsphere!
detentionsphere says... #2
I will assume you are talking about Esper since that is the only pure control deck atm.
Well, your deck inherently has an extremely bad matchup vs Esper; it plays a bunch of huge creatures that are vulnerable to Supreme Verdict and Azorius Charm yet aren't fast enough to kill the Esper deck before they can't set up. You're not Jund so you don't have access to Slaughter Games and Rakdos's Return . You don't have any amazing sideboard options like Psychic Spiral or Jace, Memory Adept because you don't have blue.
What I'd recommend is one of three things:
Go up to 4 Farseek and add a couple black shocklands to the deck, solely for Slaughter Games and Rakdos's Return in the board. This is the best option IMO.
Run some Pithing Needle and Witchbane Orb in the sideboard to deal with Nephalia Drownyard . This plan is kind of bad, since it loses to Detention Sphere and Planar Cleansing .
Run a bunch of Garruk Relentless Flip and Garruk, Primal Hunter in the sideboard. This is weak to Planar Cleansing but because they see no walkers G1 they might side it out...
So yeah, your deck sacrifices the Esper matchup for a better matchup against the rest of the field. I wouldn't worry too much because Esper is kind of fading away anyways.
April 20, 2013 4:47 a.m.