Aggro Gruul Sliver help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 26, 2013, 2:17 p.m. by Vieno
I just put this deck together, thinking it would be a slower type of deck for whatever reason. After testing however, it seems to win on turn 6 most of the time, and turn 5 if I get a great hand. Therefore, i'm looking for advice on a two aspects. First, Megantic Sliver . Huge powerhouse, pretty much instantly wins games if it comes out with other slivers on the board..but is it worth it when I can win in 6 turns? Secondly, Fireshrieker . Double strike is fun, i'm sure we can all agree to that (unless the enemy has double strike), but is it acceptable with the mana cost? 5 mana is a lot at first glimpse, but with the ability to do 3 on one turn, 2 on the next, it can be a great help if you have cheap creatures in your hand with a lot of mana on the field. I'm just completely unsure with this one, and wouldn't know what to replace them with. Thanks for any help you guys offer!