Alice in Wonderland EDH Help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 23, 2014, 4:46 a.m. by WarldWorZ

So I got it into my mind recently to build a Alice in Wonderland themed commander deck. I looked for some builds on here, but the pickings are slim. I would like to include various elements from the story (shrinking and growning, the tea party, the Queen's game) as well as some creatures to match the characters (Bandersnatch, Alice, the Hatter, and the Jabberwoky to name a few). Overall strategy doesn't really matter to me, in fact, having no strategy but just tossing everything in the air sounds like a lot of fun. Any ideas or suggestions for me? I'm not even sure of a commander.

WarldWorZ says... #2

Edit - I found a forum ( after Googling it and found the following suggestions:

Focus on R/G/B, use possibly Intet, the Dreamer or Animar, Soul of Elements or Riku of Two Reflections as the commander.

Giant Growth Of course!

Shrink Of course, of course!

Polymorph - The art on this one is perfect I feel.

Vizzerdrix or Zodiac Rabbit for the White Rabbit.

Momir Vig, Simic Visionary as the Mad Hatter?

Anything with the Madness ability?

Going with dreams and dreaming: Turbulent Dreams ,Devastating Dreams , and Nostalgic Dreams .

Melira, Sylvok Outcast or Azusa, Lost but Seeking or Jhoira of the Ghitu as Alice

Jaya Ballard or Akroma, Angel of Fury or Latulla, Keldon Overseer as the Red Queen... or Wort, the Raidmother lol

Giant Caterpillar or Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius for that hooka freak

Shivan Wumpus for Bandersnatch

Warp World to go through that rabbit hole

Need some sort of Vorpal Blade, I'm thinking Sword of Body and Mind or Sword of Light and Shadow

Dreamscape Artist , Splinter Twin , Spore Flower , Gilder Bairn , Grip of Chaos , Mass Polymorph and Proteus Staff for flavor

Sphinx Ambassador seems to be favored as the Cheshire Cat or Archon of the Triumvirate for the lateness theme

February 23, 2014 5:14 a.m.

WarldWorZ says... #3

Personally, I kinda like Maelstrom Wanderer as the Jabberwocky and my Commader. It hits the field, and all of a sudden, shit is cray-cray.

February 23, 2014 5:22 a.m.

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