Am I ready for FNM?

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 10, 2014, 4:35 a.m. by slooperman

Do you guys think that my deck is ready for FNM and be competitive? Protect The Hero of Countless Battles (FNM ready?)

It's not bad, but there are definately some cards that can be replaced. Fabled Hero in my opinion is a useless card for this type of deck, as is Hopeful Eidolon . You can remove these for Battlewise Hoplite , as the scry ability works wonders an an aggro deck. Bottom line is in the currect meta, your going to need at least 4 Brave the Elements and 3-4 Gods Willing , because if you cant protect your creatures, quit frankly your out of the game. Replacing Mizzium Skin with Brave the Elements would be a wise idea. Gift of Orzhova can definately be sideboarded for Murder Investigation , so even if your creature manages to die, your field remains full and you can burst your opponent down with 1/1 creatures. One last suggestion would be for Ordeal of Thassa , even though they get destroyed, the card draw works wonders in a deck like this. Adding in another land would be smart as well, you can get mana screwed super easy with 20 lands. Besides that looks solid dude, good luck (:

March 10, 2014 7:03 p.m.

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