American Midrange In Standard?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 2, 2014, 6:28 p.m. by Magic629
So I've been playing Magic for a little over a month now, and I've played way too many devotion decks, so I want to try American Midrange to hopefully change my local meta a little bit. I found this deck and thought it was pretty good and unique, but I wanted to get a second opinion and ways to improve its quality against devotion decks and control decks before I build it. Here's the deck list, it's not mine, but I got permission to show it: Pass Turn-To Myself That Is. Any help is appreciated!
<><><>Specific Things<><><>-Are there enough creatures?-Best replacement for Stormbreath Dragon if it's too expensive ($$$)?-Is the control element too strong?-Other awesome R/U/W flyers I'm missing out on?