Another Round of Testing
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 26, 2014, 10:18 p.m. by raithe000
Alright, time to do more testing! I've got two decks, 1 new and 1 upgrade, that need to figure out how well they work. Anyone who wants to, submit a deck, your chosen opponent, and sideboarding choices (if you want) and I will run a best of three playtest and post the results here. First come, First served*.
Scoutin' Your Face With My Ethereal Armor-ed Fist Playtest
SCORE: 54 | 7 COMMENTS | 5959 VIEWSPower Unimaginable for Pain Unendurable Playtest
SCORE: 10 | 14 COMMENTS | 1123 VIEWS*To those who have contributed to these before who I did not manage to playtest your deck, if you mention this I will bump you to the front of the queue as thanks/apology.
Rakdos Control is better than Esper Playtest
SCORE: 16 | 28 COMMENTS | 3583 VIEWSvs
Scoutin' Your Face With My Ethereal Armor-ed Fist Playtest
SCORE: 54 | 7 COMMENTS | 5959 VIEWSJust roll with the main board as is or go with your gut. Thanks!
January 26, 2014 10:38 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #4
Revel In The Power Of A Jund Blitzkrieg Playtest
SCORE: 54 | 18 COMMENTS | 10503 VIEWSvs
Power Unimaginable for Pain Unendurable Playtest
SCORE: 10 | 14 COMMENTS | 1128 VIEWSMainboard is fine unless there are some obvious switching up needed. I liked you deck when i spotted it the other day, now I'm afraid, I'll have to destroy it.
January 26, 2014 11:35 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #5
On second thought's i'd probably side in Whip of Erebos in the place of two Ogre Battledriver .
January 26, 2014 11:38 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox- thought you might want to submit your new deck :)
January 27, 2014 1:10 a.m.
Round 1 Scoutin' Your Face With My Ethereal Armor-ed Fist vs. GoldGhost012's How To Kick Ass With Codex Shredder 101
Sorry this took so long, I had issues with copying my deck to edit the sideboard.
I won 2-1. This was a very interesting fight. I had significant advantage, but Gopldghost managed to win round two by resolving a Traumatize and utilizing Ratchet Bomb . I think that splashing white for Supreme Verdict might be very effective.
R for Scoutin', G for Codex Shredder
Full battle transcript:
Game 1
R wins the roll
R starting hand: 2x Hero of Iroas, 2x Temple Garden, 2x Unflinching Courage, 1x gift of orzhova, keep
G starting hand: 4x Island, 1x encroaching wastes, 1x cyclonic rift, 1x inspiration, keep? (I have no idea if this is good or not)
R1 play temple garden tapped, pass
G1 draw elixir of immortality, play island, play elixir, pass
R2 draw witchstalker, play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play hero of Iroas, pass
G2 draw cyclonic rift, play island, pass
R3 draw gladecover scout, play unflinching courage on hero of Iroas, G bounces Hero of Iroas with cyclonic rift, pass
G3 draw traumatize, play island, pass
R4 draw unflinching courage, play gladecover scout, pass
G4 draw griptide, play island, pass
R5 draw temple of plenty, play temple of plenty, scry detention sphere, bottom, play hero of iroas, swing 1, life totals R 18, G 19, pass, G casts inspiration during end step, draws island and codex shredder
G5 draw inspiration, play codex shredder, play island, pass
R6 draw ethereal armor, play unflinching courage on gladecover, play ethereal armor on gladecover, swing 5 with gladecover and 2 with hero, G griptides hero back Rs library, life totals R 23, G 14, pass, G mills Rs Hero of Iroas with codex shredder
G6 draw island, play Island, pass
R7 draw temple of enlightenment, play temple of enlightenment, scry witchstalker, sticks, play unflinching courage on Gladecover, In response G plays inspiration, draws inspiration and voyages end, R swings 8, life totals R 31, G 6, pass, G mills Rs witchstalker with codex shredder
G7 draw cancel, play encroaching wastes, pass
R8 draw temple Garden, swing 8, G overloads Cyclonic rift, R play temple garden, shocks self, R 29, plays hero of iroas, plays gladecover scout, plays unflinching courage on gladecover scout, pass, G mills rs eidolon of countelss battles
G8 draw codex shredder, plays codex shredder, pass
R9 draw spell rupture, play ethereal armor on gladecover, G counters with cancel, R counters cancel with spell rupture for 3, G decides not to pay, R play unflinching courage on Hero of Iroas, G voyages ends hero of iroas, G scries island, bottom, R swing 5, life totals R 34, G 1, pass, G mills Rs 2x spell rupture with Codex shredder
G9 draw syncopate, pass
R10 draw detention sphere, play gift of orzhova on gladecover, G counters with syncopate for 3, swing 5, G pops elixir, life totals R 39, G 1, play hero of iroas, pass, G mills R;s hallowed fountain and hero of iroas
G10 draw island, concede
G sideboards out 3x Voyages end, 1x opportunity, 3x mindstatic, 3x griptide for 3x aetherize, 4x stymied hopes, 3x ratchet bomb
R sides out 3x aqueous form for 3x swan song
Game 2
G goes first
G starting hand: 1x inspiration, 1x ratchet bomb, 2x stymied hopes, 2x island, 1x dissolve, keep
R starting hand: 1x witchstalker, 1x gift of orzhova, 1x swan song, 1x detention sphere, 1x aqueous form, 1x temple of plenty, 1x righteous authority, mulligan, 1x swan song, 1x gift of orzhova, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x temple of enlightenment, 1x ajani, caller of the pride, 1x breeding pool, keep
G1 play island, pass
R1 draw gladecover scout, play breeding pool, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
G2 draw syncopate, play island, play ratchet bomb, pass
R2 draw detention sphere, play temple of enlightenment, scry ethereal armor, bottom, swing 1, life totals G 19, R 18, pass, G puts a counter on ratchet bomb
G3 draw encroaching wastes, play encroaching wastes, pass
R3 draw temple of mystery, play temple of mystery, scry hero of iroas, sticks, swing 1, G blows up 1 drops with ratchet bomb, pass
G4 draw cancel, pass
R4 draw hero of iroas, play hero of iroas, G counters with dissolve, R counters dissolve with Swan song, R plays Hallowed fountain tapped, pass
G5 draw opportunity, pass
R5 draw righteous authority, play gift of orzhova on hero of iroas, G counters with cancel, R swings 3, no blocks, life totals G 16, R 18, pass
G6 draw island, play island, pass
R6 draw hero of iroas, play ajani, G counters with syncopate for 2, swing 3, no blocks, life totals G 13, R 18, pass
G7 draw island, play island, pass R7 draw aqueous form, play aqueous form on hero of iroas, swing 4, scry temple of enlightenment, bottom, life totals G 9, R 18, play hero of iroas, pass, G plays inspiration, G draws dissolve and cyclonic rift
G8 draw codex shredder, play codex shredder, pass
R8 draw hallowed fountain, play righteous authority on enchanted hero of iroas, befor combat G returns enchanted hero of iroas to Rs hand with cyclonic rift, play hallowed fountain, shock self, R 16, play hero of iroas, G counters with stymied hopes, G scrys island, sticks, R passes, G mills Rs ajani with codex shredder
G9 draw island, play island, pass
R9 draw breeding pool, play detention sphere, G counters with dissolve, G scrys island, bottom, R plays breeding pool tapped, pass, G mills Rs gladecover scout with Codex shredder
G10 draw ratchet bomb, play ratchet bomb, pass
R10 draw temple of mystery, play temple of mystery, scry temple of plenty, bottom, pass, G puts a counter on ratchet bomb and mills Rs temple of enlightenment with codex shredder
G11 draw aetherize, pass
R11 draw unflinching courage, swing 2 with hero of iroas, G blocks with bird, pass, G mills Rs righteous authority with codex shredder and draws traumatize and 3x cyclonic rift with opportunity
G12 draw island, play island, play traumatize, R mills 19 (not going to list cards), pass
R12 draw witchstalker, play witchstalker, pass, G mills Rs eidolon of countless battles with codex shredder and puts a counter on ratchet bomb
G13 draw dissolve, pass
R13 draw ethereal armor, play unflinching courage on witchstalker, play ethereal armor on witchstalker, swing 7, G plays aetherize, R plays witchstalker, G counters with dissolve, G scrys island, bottom, pass, G mills Rs detention sphere with codex shredder
G14 draw island, play island, pass
R14 draw witchstalker, play witchstalker, pass, G mills Rs hallowed fountain with codex shredder and puts a charge counter on ratchet bomb
G15 draw aetherize, pass
R15 draw temple garden, swing 3, G plays aetherize, play temple garden tapped, play witchstalker, pass, G mills Rs swan song with codex shredder
G16 draw cancel, pass
R16 draw temple garden, swing 3, G blows up three drops with ratchet bomb, play temple garden tapped, pass, G mills Rs unflinching courage
G17 draw ratchet bomb, play ratchet bomb, pass
R17 draw temple of mystery, concede (There was only 1 creature left in deck, no point in continuing)Game 3
R goes first
R starting hand:1x hallowed fountain, 2x witchstalker, 1x hero of iroas, 1x eidolon of countless battles, 1x righteous authority, 1x breeding pool, keep
G starting hand: 1x stymied hopes, 3x island, 1x elixir of immortality, 1x cancel, 1x syncopate, keep
R1 play hallowed fountain tapped, pass
G1 draw cancel, play island, play elixir of immortality, pass
R2 draw eidolon of countless battles, play breeding pool, shock self, R 18, play hero of Iroas, pass
G2 draw island, play island, pass
R3 draw detention sphere, swing 2, life totals R 18, G 18, pass
G3 draw syncopate, play island, pass
R4 draw temple of plenty, play temple of plenty, scry spell rupture, bottom, swing 2, life totals R 18, G 16, pass
G4 draw codes shredder, play island, play codex shredder, pass
R5 draw temple of enlightenment, play temple of enlightenment, scry temple garden, sticks, bestow eidolon of countless battles on Hero of Iroas, G counters with stymied hopes, G scrys island, bottom, swing 3, life totals G 13, R 18, pass, G mills Rs Temple garden with codex shredder
G5 draw island, play island, pass
R6 draw breeding pool, play righteous authority on hero of iroas, G counters with syncopate for 1, swing 4, life totals G 9, R 18, play breeding pool tapped, pass, G mills Rs breeding pool
G6 draw aetherize, pass
R7 draw aqueous form, bestow eidolon of countless battles on hero of iroas, play aqueous form on hero of iroas, swing 9, G plays aetherize, pass, G mills Rs gladecover scout with codex shredder
G7 draw codex shredder, play codex shredder, pass
R8 draw unflinching courage, play hero of iroas, G counters with cancel, play unflinching courage on eidolon of countless battles, swing 4, life totals R 22, G 5, pass, G mills Rs unflinching courage and temple garden with codex shredders
G8 draw inspiration, pass
R9 draw temple of mystery, scry hero of iroas, bottom, play witchstalker, G counters with cancel, swing 4, life totals R 26, G 1, pass, G mills Rs 2x Gift of Orzhova with codex shredders
G9 draw island, play island, pass
R10 draw temple of plenty, play temple of plenty, scry swan song, sticks, play witchstalker, swing 5, G activates elixir of immortality, G 6, life totals R 31, G 1, play detention sphere, exile codex shredders, in response G mills Rs righteous authority and swan song, pass, G draws cyclonic rift and codex shredder
G10 draw encroaching wastes, play encroaching wastes, pass
R11 draw temple garden, swing 5 with eidolon and 3 with witchstalker, G overloads cyclonic rift, codex shredders return to battlefield, R plays witchstalker, bestow eidolon on it, play temple garden tapped, pass, G mills Rs spell rupture and temple of plenty with codex shredders
G11 draw inspiration, pass
R12 draw unflinching courage, swing 5, G plays inspiration, draws opportunity and island, R wins
January 27, 2014 11:35 a.m.
These posts are very long altogether. Should I break it up into individual rounds?
January 27, 2014 11:36 a.m.
Round 2 Scoutin' Your Face With My Ethereal Armor-ed Fist vs. tman007's Rakdos Control is better than Esper
First two games done, third coming up.
R for scoutin, T for rakdos.
Full battle transcript:
Game 1
T wins the roll
T starting hand:1x duress, 1x desecration demon, 1x mogis, 1x mountain, 2x rakdoss return, 1x rakdos keyrune, mulligan, 1x duress, 1x rakdos keyrune, 2x swamp, 1x slaughter games, 1x rogues passage, keep
R starting hand: 1x temple of plenty, 2x ethereal armor, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x breeding pool, 1x gladecover scout, 1x temple garden, keep
T1 swamp, play duress, R discards ethereal armor, pass
R1 draw aqueous form, play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout, pass
T2 draw swamp, play swamp, pass
R2 draw witchstalker, play breeding pool, shock self, R 16, play ethereal armor and aqueous form on gladecover, swing 3, scry detention sphere, bottom, life totals T 17, R 16, pass
T3 draw underworld connections, play swamp, play underworld connections on a swamp, pass
R3 draw hero of iroas, play temple of plenty, scry gladecover scout, bottom, swing 3, scry temple garden, bottom, life totals T 14, r 16, play hero of Iroas, pass
T4 draw duress, play rogues passage, draw duress from underworld connections, T 13, play rakdos keyrune, play duress, R discards nothing, pass
R4 draw spell rupture, swing 5, scry temple of mystery, bottom, life totals T 8, R 16, play hallowed fountain tapped, pass
T5 draw master of cruelties, pass
R5 draw unflinching courage, play unflinching courage on gladecover scout, T draws a mountain with underworld connections, T concedes
T sideboards out 3x rakdoss return and 1 rakdos keyrune for 2x glaring spotlight and 2x mizzium mortars
R sideboards out 3x aqueous form for 3x swan song
Game 2
T goes first
T starting hand: 1x rakdos keyrune, 1x mountain, 1x glaring spotlight, 1x duress, 1x dreadbore, 1x mizzium mortars, 1x anger of the gods, keep? (risky, but high potential reward with even 1 land. Note I actually mulliganed twice for this, but since each of those got 1 land hands as well, with much higher costed spells and no glaring spotlight, I went back to this one rather than go to 4)
R starting hand: 1x gladecover scout, 2x temple garden, 1x temple of plenty, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x temple of enlightenment, 1x ethereal armor, keep
T1 play mountain, play glaring spotlight
R1 draw righteous authority, play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
T2 draw glaring spotlight, pass
R2 draw breeding pool, play ethereal armor on gladecover, swing 2, life totals T 18, R 18, play temple of enlightenment, scry hallowed fountain, bottom, pass
T3 draw slaughter games, pass
R3 draw temple of plenty, swing 2, life totals T 16, R 18, play temple of plenty, scry witchstalker, sticks, pass
T4 draw blood crypt, play blood crypt, shock self, T 14, mizzium mortars gladecover scout, pass
R4 draw witchstalker, play witchstalker, play temple of plenty, scry detention sphere, sticks, pass T5 draw doom blade, pass
R5 draw detention sphere, play detention sphere, in response T doom blades witchstalker, exile Glaring spotlight with detention sphere, play hallowed fountain tapped
T6 draw temple of malice, play temple of malice, scry swamp, sticks, play glaring spotlight, play duress, R discards Righteous authority, pass
R6 draw hallowed fountain, play breeding pool tapped, pass
T7 draw swamp, play swamp, play rakdos keyrune, pass
R7 draw unflinching courage, play temple garden, pass
T8 draw dreadbore, play slaughter games naming witchstalker, pass
R8 draw hero of iroas, play hero of iroas, play hallowed fountain tapped, pass
T9 draw swamp, play swamp, dreadbore hero, pass R9 draw temple garden, play temple garden tapped, pass
T10 draw swamp, play swamp, pass
R10 draw ethereal armor, pass
T11 draw underworld connections, play underworld connections on a swamp, pass
R11 draw hallowed fountain, play hallowed fountain tapped, pass, T draws duress with underworld connections, T 13
T12 draw mountain, play mountain, play duress, R discards ethereal armor, pass
R12 draw unflinching courage, pass, T draws Mogis with underworld connections, T 12
T13 draw desecration demon, play desecration demon, play mogis, pass
R13 take 2 from mogis, R 16, draw swan song, pass
T14 draw swamp, play swamp, swing 6, life totals T 12, R 10, pass
R14 take 2 from mogis, R 8, draw temple of mystery, concede
January 27, 2014 3:13 p.m.
Last battle of round 2 done
I won 2-1. tman007 Your deck works well, but it has few ways to deal with hexproof. You might want to consider putting Devour Flesh back in the sideboard.
Game 3
R goes first
R starting hand: 1x righteous authority, 1x spell rupture, 1x breeding pool, 1x temple of enlightenment, 1x gladecover scout, 1x eidolon of countless battles, 1x hallowed fountain, keep
T starting hand: 2x doom blade, 1x anger of the gods, 2x mountain, 1x mogis, god of slaughter, 1x swamp, keep
R1 play breeding pool, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout, pass
T1 draw swamp, play mountain, pass
R2 draw breeding pool, play temple of enlightenment, scry aqueous form, bottom, swing 1, life totals R 18, T 19, pass
T2 draw swamp, play swamp, pass
R3 draw righteous authority, play hallowed fountain tapped, swing 1, life totals R 18, T 18, pass
T3 draw young pyromancer, play mountain, play anger of the gods, R counters with spell rupture, pass
R4 draw temple garden, play breeding pool, shock self, R 16, bestow eidolon of countless battles on gladecover scout, swing 3, life totals R 16, T 15, pass
T4 draw young pyromancer, play swamp, play mogis, pass
R5 take 2 from mogis, R 14, draw ethereal armor, play temple garden, shock self, R 12, play righteous authority on gladecover scout, swing 6, life totals R 12, T 9, pass
T5 draw desecration demon, play swamp, play desecration demon, pass
R6 take 2 from mogis, R 10, draw 2x gift of orzhova, play ethereal armor and gift of orzhova on gladecover scout, swing 13, T blocks with Desecration demon, life totals R 23, T 9, pass
T5 draw underworld connections, play underworld connections on swamp, draw doom blade from underworld connections, T 8, concede
January 27, 2014 4:25 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #11
Thanks, tempest! I may have to submit it once I look at the build myself a little more.
January 27, 2014 8:35 p.m.
Round 3 Power Unimaginable for Pain Unendurable vs. Schuesseled's Revel In The Power Of A Jund Blitzkrieg
I lost 1-2 to this deck. Schuesseled caught me with a double BTE in game 1. I managed to keep him in check game 2, but keeping a risky hand and two Domri's just were too much round 3. Nice Deck, +1 from me!
R for Scoutin', S for Blitzkrieg
Full battle transcript:Game 1
R wins the roll
R starting hand: 1x whip of erebos, 2x mutavault, 1x dusmantle seer, 1x aqueous form, 1x pain seer, 1x swamp, keep
S starting hand: 1x elvish mystic, 2x stomping grounds, 1x mountain, 1x dreg mangler, 1x ogre battledriver, 1x burning-tree emissary, keep
R1 play swamp, pass
S1 draw BTE, play stomping ground, shock self, S 18, play elvish mystic, pass R2 draw doom blade, play mutavault, play pain seer, pass
S2 draw overgrown tomb, play overgrown tomb, shock self, S 16, play BTE, play BTE, play Dreg mangler, swing 3, no blocks, life totals S 16, R 17, pass
R3 draw watery grave, play watery grave, shock self, R 15, play aqueous form on Pain Seer, swing 2, scry mutavault, bottom, life totals S 14, R 15, pass
S3 draw kalonian hydra, play mountain, , swing with BTEs and dreg mangler, R doom blades a BTE, life totals S 14, R 10, play ogre battledriver, pass
R4 untap, reveal pain seer, R 8, draw triton tactics, play mutavault, play whip of erebos, swing 2, scry temple of deceit, sticks, life totals S 12, R 10, pass
S4 draw elvish mystic, play stomping ground, shock self, S 10, play kalonian hydra, swing for game
S switches out 2x Ogre Battledriver for 2x Whip of erebos
R does not sideboard
Game 2
R goes first
R starting hand: 2x temple of deceit, 2x swamp, 1x ultimate price, 1x doom blade, 1x aqueous form, keep
S starting hand: 1x Fanatic of Xenagos, 1x kalonian hydra, 1x abrupt decay, 1x nykthos, shrine to nyx, 1x overgrown tomb, 1x forest, 1x stomping ground, keep
R1 play temple of deceit, scry heros downfall, bottom, pass
S1 draw fanatic of xenagos, play overgrown tomb tapped, pass
R2 draw ultimate price, play temple of deceit, scry agent of the fates, sticks, pass
S2 draw blood crypt, play stomping ground tapped, pass
R3 drag agent of the fates, play swamp, play agent of the fates, pass
S3 draw stomping ground, play forest, play fanatic of xenagos, R chooses to pay tribute, pass
R4 draw swamp, play swamp, play aqueous form on agent of the fates, S sacrifices fanatic of xenagos, swing 3, scry ultimate price, bottom, life totals R 20, S 17, pass
S4 draw burning tree emissary, play stomping ground tapped, play burning tree emissary, play fanatic of xenagos, R pays the tribute, pass, end of turn R doom blades Fanatic of xenagos
R5 draw dusmantle seer, play swamp, swing 3, scry thoughtseize, sticks, life totals R 20, S 14, play duskmantle seer, pass
S5 draw kalonian hydra, play nykthos, pass
R6 upkeep R reveals thoughtseize, S reveals BTE, life totals R 19, S 12, draw mutavault, play mutavault, play thoughtseize, in response S abrupt decays agent of the fates, S discards kalonian hydra, R 17, swing 4, life totals R 17, S 8, pass
S6 draw stomping ground, play blood crypt tapped, play BTE into Kalonian hydra, swing 2, life totals R 15, S 8, pass
R7 upkeep R reveals mutavault, S reveals overgrown tomb, draw watery grave, play mutavault, swing 4, life totals R 15, S 4, pass
S7 draw mountain, play overgrown tomb tapped, at combat R ultimate prices Kalonian hydra, pass
R8 upkeep R reveals temple of deceit, S reveals abrupt decay, S concedes
Game 3
S goes first
S starting hand: 1x whip of erebos, 1x putrefy, 2x mountain, 1x abrupt decay, 2x stormbreath dragon, mulligan, 2x forest, 1x domri rade, 1x stomping ground, 1x putrefy, 1x fanatic of xenagos, keep
R starting hand: 1x springleaf drum, 2x whip of erebos, 1x hidden strings, 1x duskmantle seer, 1x watery grave, 1x doom blade, mulligan, 1x heros downfall, 2x temple of deceit, 1x triton tactics, 1x watery grave, 1x ultimate price, keep
S1 play stomping ground tapped, pass
R1 draw aqueous form, play temple of deceits, scry temple of deceits, bottom, pass
S2 draw overgrown tomb, play overgrown tomb tapped, pass
R2 draw watery grave, play temple of deceit, scry siren of silent song, sticks, pass
S3 draw putrefy, play forest, play domri, +1 domri, top card is domri, pass
R3 draw siren of the silent song, play watery grave, shock self, R 18, play heros downfall on domri, pass
S4 draw domri, play forest, play domri, +1 domri, top card is fanatic of xenagos, reveal and put into hand, pass
R4 draw duskmantle seer, play watery grave, shock self, R 16, play duskmantle seer, pass
S5 draw putrefy, putrefy Duskmantle seer, +1 domri, top card is dreg mangler, reveal and put into hand, pass
R5 draw swamp, play swamp, play siren of silent song, pass
S6 draw Scavenging ooze, play fanatic of xenagos, R pays the tribute, -2 domri to have fanatic and siren fight, pass
R6 draw temple of deceit, play temple of deceit, scry hidden strings, bottom, pass
S7 draw abrupt decay, +1 xenagos, top card is fanatic of xenagos, reveal and put into hand, play scavenging ooze, swing 4, life totals S 20, R 12, pass
R7 draw siren of silent song, play siren of silent song, pass, S abrupt decays siren of silent song, R ultimate prices scavenging ooze
S8 draw abrupt decay, +1 domri, top card is fanatic of xenagos, reveal and put into hand, play fanatic of xenagos, R pays the tribute, swing 4, life totals S 20, R 8, pass
R8 draw whip of erebos, concede
January 27, 2014 11:54 p.m.
raithe000 Thanks for the testing and the advice! I think I will add those Devour Flesh back on to the sideboard.
January 28, 2014 12:01 a.m.
I know you only want probably 3 rounds but if you have time I also need some help on my deck:
I bet you have never seen this before, have you? Playtest
SCORE: 8 | 4 COMMENTS | 1349 VIEWSYou can have it duel which ever deck you like and I could careless when it comes to sideboard.
GoldGhost012 says... #2
How To Kick Ass With Codex Shredder 101 Playtest
Standard GoldGhost012
SCORE: 42 | 85 COMMENTS | 5435 VIEWSvs
Scoutin' Your Face With My Ethereal Armor-ed Fist Playtest
Standard raithe000
SCORE: 54 | 7 COMMENTS | 5959 VIEWSSideboarding should be outlined in the comments, but otherwise just go with your gut, I guess.
If you end up having time at the end too, I'd love to see how my build fares against Power Unimaginable for Pain Unendurable too.
January 26, 2014 10:32 p.m.