Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 9, 2014, 1:55 p.m. by Baja-Derpingham
I'm working on an optimal anti-blue and/or black deck. I don't mind if it doesn't do as well against other creature decks - I'm just trying to bring a semi-casual deck to FNM that I can actually, gee, I don't know play maybe 3 or 4 cards without being milled. Last Friday seemed to be a mill/discard fest with very few other deck types which resulted in me literally spending about an hour doing nothing but discarding my entire library making for a very very frustrating (but more importantly, boring as hell) first FNM experience. So far, my current testing this deck has done very well against U/B decks but I am looking to improve it and cut down the costs to something within $40-$60
CW Loxodon Smiter 's ability has no effect on being milled.
Cards like Elixir of Immortality are anti-mill. Counter with a blue spell of your own in Psychic Spiral - I did that in a Limited match recently. I let my opponent keep milling me as much as he wanted, then I played Psychic Spiral and completely turned the tables - he was the one who ultimately lost because of an empty library.
January 9, 2014 3:43 p.m.
He said discard so I assumed he was asking for defense against Thoughtseize and such.
January 9, 2014 3:48 p.m.
Ah, yes, on rereading, I do see "discard-fest" but anti-mill did seem to be the main focus.
January 9, 2014 4:08 p.m.
Baja-Derpingham says... #6
To be fair - the description is pretty terrible on the deck. I'm going to update it now so it makes way more sense than it currently does.
CW says... #2
Loxodon Smiter
January 9, 2014 3:27 p.m.