Any Good Ideas for Tribal in Standard?
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 15, 2013, 11:44 p.m. by Komododragon
I am recently really into tribal decks because of their synergy. I recently made a zombie deck and a goblin deck and they both really work well and occasionally even stand up to the Naya Blitz and Esper Control decks. Are their any other good ideas for an interesting tribal deck in standard right now?
Komododragon says... #3
Wow. That...hit me like a brick. Thank you. Anything else you can think of?
July 16, 2013 12:07 a.m.
Slivers is possible, though possibly not competitive till rotation. I've seen a human reanimator that works well, but Scavenging Ooze may kill it.
July 16, 2013 12:15 a.m.
OctopusWithAHammer says... #6
Dragon tribal
Utvara Hellkite + Scourge of Valkas (coming in M14) + Slumbering Dragon + Descendants' Path (maybe)
Probably not Tournament quality, but might be fun if you can ramp into it quickly enough
July 16, 2013 12:29 a.m.
Komododragon says... #7
Yes, but I am thinking post rotation.
I just made a sliver deck using Rule of 9 and then cutting back on some specific cards to fit the rest. Here it is: Collective Might. Do you think it is competitive enough for FNM play?
And then my soon to go out Goblin and Zombie decks:
What is 5c Beasts?
July 16, 2013 12:36 a.m.
There aren't too many tribal decks in standard right now. And you've limited us to ravnica and m14. Champion of the Parish + Captain of the Watch could make an interesting human soldier theme.
Also, your thread description sounds really familiar... Kinda sounds like my profile description (check it out?) I got quite a few tribal decks you may be interested although most are casual
July 16, 2013 2:05 a.m.
IAmKingTony says... #9
thinking of a tribal deck for post-rotation is only leading you to Slivers for now
now if you're looking for now instead of then, there are a lot more options
July 16, 2013 2:18 a.m.
RussischerZar says... #10
There are still some decent vampires before rotation in the rakdos colours. Also a gruul or even simic beast tribal could work with Advocate of the Beast and dat Renegade Krasis .
July 16, 2013 4:11 a.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #12
You got merfolk for a while with Master of the Pearl Trident , still have krenko for a while, as with Elvish Archdruid , then you have enough mutants and beasts in standard to make a tribe with no lord, no obvious synergy but between their odd numbers in P/T, bloodrush and evolve kinda work together. Humans, yes, zombies definitely, spirits, werewolves, vampires in all the captains. Captain of the watch counts for soldiers. Though not exactly a creature type warden of evos isle and Favorable Winds could be a thing, defenders too for similar reasons. Do clones count as a tribal archetype? Angels, yes, demons not so much, rats yea, with Ogre Slumlord . Wizards almost could be, but they'd need heavy support with spells and thats only naming a few...
July 16, 2013 5:44 a.m.
RussischerZar says... #13
Some time ago I made a Standard wizard tribal in izzet colors: Izzerds Wizzerds
IzexD says... #2
"cough" "cough" Slivers "cough" "cough"
July 15, 2013 11:50 p.m.