Any Ideas?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 4, 2014, 2:20 p.m. by AssassinChrisFay98

So I started Magic a While ago, every time I make a deck, I get a little better. But now I am thinking of making some new decks and scrapping my commander decks. I want to at least Make 1 Rakdos deck, 1 Gruul, 1 Golgari, and 1 Orzhov, while keeping enough good cards to make an efficient Red Devotion and a Black Devotion deck. For the decks, I know I want Rakdos, Lord of Riots in, the Gruul will at least have 2 Rubblehulk and the Orzhov will be an extort deck. I just need ideas, most of my cards are kinda cataloged in my Commander decks. and my Extort decks.

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