Anyone for some playtests?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 7, 2014, 8:33 p.m. by TrystonSpencer
I know this is already an existing forum but i would like to start doing the same thing. So if anyone is interested I will post a play by play. I am not going to sideboard so neither will you if I playtest your deck I assure you I will play it out fairly and this is just for the improvement of my deck and if you would like I will make some suggestions on yours.
Bite of Agony Playtest
SCORE: 2 | 0 COMMENTS | 136 VIEWSCobthecobbler says... #3
You could try your hand against something super aggressive of mine (list hasn't been changed to reflect my recent changes but it's still a kick ass deck)
Fanatic of Devotion Playtest
SCORE: 9 | 26 COMMENTS | 1824 VIEWSLet me know how it goes, thanks a bunch.
February 7, 2014 11:14 p.m.
MadScientist says... #4
I have a couple of decks that use some playtesting and recommendations
No Fate But What We make Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 5 COMMENTS | 1240 VIEWSInfinite Ping (Stop it Tim) Playtest
SCORE: 21 | 23 COMMENTS | 3153 VIEWSThis is a great service you are offering thanks!
February 7, 2014 11:20 p.m.
BorosPlayer says... #5
I made a standard deck and I would appreciate it if you tell me how it does.
Unstoppable White Rush Playtest
SCORE: 6 | 18 COMMENTS | 1079 VIEWSThank you for offering.
February 7, 2014 11:55 p.m.
Metroid_Hybrid says... #6
I have a nasty little Midrange deck that needs tweaking for a PTQ in the near future; particularly the sideboard.. (See description for more details..)
Devoted to Obliteration.. Playtest
SCORE: 67 | 80 COMMENTS | 9128 VIEWSFebruary 8, 2014 12:45 a.m.
TrystonSpencer says... #7
flyguy I hate to not give the full report of what happened but i saved it all to google drive but tryed to copy it and it deleted the whole thing I can sum up what happened thou. So basically game 1 you were completely wrecking my aggro creatures up till turn 3 with Abrupt Decay but you got no more land eventually getting Lotleth Troll up too an 6/5 but by the time you got that up that far I had a Underworld Cerberus that you couldn't block. So I won this game but basically just because you didn't get the land. you definently had the creatures in hand but I kept having to discard them for Lotleth Troll
Game 2 I won again but it was up till turn 14 we kept blasting each others creatures with you eventually getting out Sylvan Primordial and Whip of Erebos and Sylvan Caryatid being one Plains short from your Angel of Serenity which would of literally ended the game.. because I had at the time of your Sylvan Primordial a Mogis, God of Slaughter Desecration Demon and Rakdos Shred-Freak with Madcap Skills which wouldn't of been a problem until you didn't get the Plains which literally gave you only the option at 2 life too sacrifice Sylvan Caryatid to stay alive from mogis Whip of Erebos Pack Rat and turning Angel of Serenity into Pack Rat swinging for 11 bumping you up too 13 which would of been fine had I not drawn Herald of Torment twice in a row and bestowing them on Mogis, God of Slaughter and Rakdos Shred-Freak swinging in for 14, I would rate your deck 10/10 its awesome, I just got lucky. Im sorry I couldn't post the whole thing I tryed to recover but that wasn't working either. Our second game was crazy close you left me at 8 life. If you want me to redo it with full report I will.
February 8, 2014 12:59 a.m.
TrystonSpencer says... #8
flyguy Nvm I found the playtest. i won 2/0 but i feel you got a little ripped off and maybe some bad decions on my part. You:Turn 1 Temple of Silence scry 1 Temple of Silence I put it on the bottomMe: Turn 1 Temple of Malice scry 1 Madcap Skills keptYou: Turn 2 Temple Garden payed 2 life to make it come in untapped played Lotleth Troll dicarded Pack Rat making it a 3/2Me: turn 2 Mountain played Rakdos Cackler unleashed 2/2you:turn 3 Overgrown Tomb played Pack Rat discarded Giant Adephage making Lotleth Troll a 4/3 swung Lotleth Troll (which I took dropping me to 16)me: played Swamp and played Rakdos Shred-Freak swung for 4 blocked Rakdos Shred-Freak with Pack Rat taking two knocking you down to 16you: turn 4 tapped 2 for Sylvan Caryatid swung in for 4 with Lotleth Troll dropping me to 12Me: turn 4 playing Blood Crypt then tapping two for Madcap Skills on Rakdos Cackler swinging in for 5 choosing to double block with Sylvan Caryatid and having only 2 damage assigned for Lotleth Troll you: turn 5 discarding Angel of Serenity to make Lotleth Troll a 5/4 using Grisly Salvage to get Angel of Serenity the other 4 were lands and not having the lands i figured the creature for a buff was the best dicarding Angel of Serenity to make Lotleth Troll 6/5 knocking me to 6Me: putting down Swamp swinging in with Rakdos Cackler for 5 then putting down Cryptborn Horror as an 5/5you: turn 6 draw Abrupt Decay didnt attack this turn 6 swing in for 5 with Rakdos Cackler which you Abrupt Decay and play Underworld Cerberus you: turn 7 draw Abrupt Decay use it on Cryptborn Horror doesnt attackme: turn 7 Temple of Malice draw Underworld Cerberus swing in with Underworld Cerberus cant be blocked so you take 6 dropping you down to 5 and play Rakdos, Lord of Riots and using his ability to play another Underworld Cerberus you: draw Jarad's Orders me:swing all for game. honestly this was just the lack of mana for you, but your staring hand had 3 so that's why I figured it was keepable. Game 2: you keep, I mulligan down to 6 You: turn 1 Overgrown Tomb Me: turn 1 Temple of Malice scry blood crypt and keep it on topYou:turn 2 Forest then Lotleth Troll me: turn 2 Blood Crypt then tap Temple of Malice for Rakdos Cackler unleashed You: turn 3 Temple of Silence scry Sylvan Caryatid keep on top then Abrupt Decay Rakdos Cackler swing in for 2 dropping me to 18 Me: turn 3 Blood Crypt then playing Rakdos Shred-Freak swing in for 2 dropping you to 18 You: turn 4 Forest playing Sylvan Caryatid and Grisly Salvage keeping Deathrite Shaman swinging in for 2 dropping me to 16Me:turn 4 no land Dreadbore on Lotleth Troll you: turn 5 Swamp play Whip of Erebos and Deathrite Shaman Me: turn 5 no land Hero's Downfall on Deathrite Shaman You: turn 6 Jarad's Orders Lotleth Troll and Sylvan Primordial keeping Sylvan Primordial being one mana away then Swamp and Sylvan Caryatid for Commune with the Gods keeping Forest and playing itMe: turn 6 no land Madcap Skills on Rakdos Shred-Freak swinging in for 5 dropping you to 13 You: turn 7 Temple Garden payed 2 so you could put out Temple Garden so you are 11 tapped all land for Sylvan Primordial destroying Temple of Malice putting down Forest Me: turn 7 Mountain You:turn 8 draw Angel of Serenity one plains away swing 6 with Sylvan Primordial dropping me down to 12 and you up to Me:turn 8 Swamp swing in Rakdos Shred-Freak dropping you to 12 because you gained 6 last turn then playing Desecration Demon You: turn 7 Lotleth Troll just so ya know I would of died a little if you would of drawn a plains haha then you pass Me: turn 7 Mogis, God of Slaughter pass You: turn 8 pay 2 life dropping you down to 10 sacrifice Pack Rat making Lotleth Troll an 3/2Me: turn 8 Blood Crypt payed 2 so it wouldn't be tapped, tapped 5 bestowed Herald of Torment on Rakdos Shred-Freak making him an 8/4 swing in for 8 you have to take it dropping you to 2 You: turn 9 sacrifice Sylvan Primordial so you don't have to take the 2 from mogis next turn Swamp tap Whip of Erebos bringing back Pack Rat discarding Pack Rat tap 3 Angel of Serenity becomes Pack Rat swing everything I block Sylvan Primordial with Mogis, God of Slaughter block Pack Rat with Desecration Demon and taking 3 bringing you up to 13 Me:turn 8 lose 1 because of Herald of Torment bringing me to 8 tap all bestow Mogis, God of Slaughter with Herald of Torment swing in for 14 with Mogis, God of Slaughter and Rakdos Shred-Freak for win. Honestly I thought you got ripped off both games and maybe I made some bad decisions, you tell me but I just didn't think you got what you needed. I rate your deck 10/10 and I love your deck it's awesome
February 8, 2014 1:33 a.m.
TrystonSpencer says... #9
Cobthecobbler Game:1You: turn 1 Mountain Rakdos Cackler me: turn 1 Temple of Malice scryed Mountain kept on topyou: turn 2 Mountain Burning-Tree Emissary then Lightning Strike for 3 dropping me to 17 then swinging Rakdos Cackler bringing me to 15me: turn 2 Mountain Rakdos Cackler you: turn 3 Mutavault then Burning-Tree Emissary then Ash Zealot swinging in for another 6 dropping me to 9me: Mountain then Rakdos Shred-Freak swinging in with Rakdos Cackler being blocked by an Burning-Tree Emissary you: draws Boros Reckoner but cant play it taps 1 turning Mutavault into 2/2 swings everything for game :D
Game2turn1 me: Blood Crypt turn 1 you: Mountain turn 2 me: Mountain turn 2 you: Mountain Burning-Tree Emissary Magma Jet dropping me to 18 scryed two Mutavault buried oneturn 3 me: Swamp Rakdos Shred-Freak swing in for 2 you take dropping to 18turn 3 you: Mutavault then Chandra's Phoenix and Burning-Tree Emissary for 4 dropping me to 14turn 4 me: Mountain then Dreadbore on Chandra's Phoenix swinging in for 2 dropping you to 16turn 4 you: Legion Loyalist then Mutavault is a creature swinging for 5 dropping me to 9turn 5 me: Hero's Downfall on Legion Loyalist turn 5 you: Mountain then Mutavault swinging for 4. I take dropping me to 5turn 6 me: Mountain then swing in for 2 dropping you to 14 and put out Cryptborn Horror as an 2/2 turn 6 you: Mountain Ash Zealot Mutavault swing for 6 blocked Burning-Tree Emissary with Cryptborn Horror and took 4 dropping me to 1turn 7 me: Mountain Dreadbore Ash Zealot turn 7 you: Mountain Mutavault for 2 blocked by Rakdos Shred-Freak turn 8 me: Blood Crypt Rakdos Cackler as an 1/1 turn 8 you: Mountain Mutavault for 2 blocked Rakdos Cackler turn 9 me: Temple of Malice turn 9 you: Mountain Mutavault for win :D
I love how fast your deck is. definently 10/10 you beat me 0/2
February 8, 2014 2:24 a.m.
TrystonSpencer says... #10
matteus400 turn 1 you: Island turn 1 me: Temple of Malice scryed Rakdos Cackler kept on topturn2 you: Island Artisan of Forms turn2 me: Temple of Malice scryed Temple of Malice left it on top played Rakdos Cackler as an 2/2turn3 you: Island Hidden Strings copying Rakdos Cackler with Artisan of Forms swinging in for 2 dropping me to 18 and then untapping Artisan of Forms turn3 me: Madcap Skills on Rakdos Cackler Temple of Malice scryed Hero's Downfall kept on top swing in for 5 dropping you to 15turn 4 you: swing in for 5 dropping me to 13turn 4 me:Mountain Hero's Downfall on Artisan of Forms which was Dissolve scryed Nighthowler put on bottom swing in for 5 dropping you to 10turn 5 you: Swamp Scourgemark on Artisan of Forms then Tome Scour swing in for 6 dropping me to 7turn 5 me: Blood Crypt then another Hero's Downfall on Artisan of Forms then swung in for 5 dropping you to 5turn 6 you: Island Traumatize turn 6 me: swing in for game
turn 1 you: Gruul Guildgate turn 1 me: Mountain Rakdos Cackler turn 2 you: Forest Zhur-Taa Druid turn 2 me: Swamp Dreadbore on Zhur-Taa Druid swing in for 2 dropping you to 18turn 3 you: Izzet Guildgate turn 3 me: Madcap Skills on Rakdos Cackler swing in for 5 dropping you to 13turn 4 you: Illusionist's Bracers turn 4 me: Rakdos Cackler swing in for 5 dropping you to 8turn 5 you: Izzet Guildgate turn 5 me: swing in for win
Honestly I liked both your decks I apologize for only playing them both once but your second deck is really awesome I think just bad draws and lack of mana and our first game was good but really I felt it was a little slow it was awesome but just a little too slow I loved both and would rate your first deck 9/10 and your second 10/10
February 8, 2014 1:37 p.m.
MadScientist says... #11
TrystonSpencer -thanks so much for the testing and the comments on my decks. When it comes to card draws on these decks a bad draw will kill them but most of the time they play out quite well. The Ping deck is a lot of fun to play.
I have made some adjustments to the Dimur deck to give it a little more milling and speed so I will see how that goes at the next game night.
Thanks again.
February 8, 2014 1:44 p.m.
Thanks for the game! Your deck looks great.
Lotleth Troll is the cornerstone of this deck, so normally, I always save at least one black to regen, even if it means a turn late (like in game one), and I only discard cards eot and as combat tricks. I would never block with it without one black unless it was lethal coming my way.
Also, I almost never hardcast my fatties- I prefer to just bury them then whip them out (which I noticed you never did in game two- For example, game two, I would keep the troll instead of the primordial when casting Jarad's Orders . I would just whip out the primordial instead of hardcasting it (and attack and gain 6), then searched for a Temple Garden for that white mana). I rarely hardcast mini guys, too.
February 8, 2014 1:51 p.m.
TrystonSpencer says... #13
flyguy ya i really apologize for playing it wrong. There were some decisions I could of made differently but thank you for giving me the chance to play your deck. and matteus400 same goes for you thanks for giving me the chance to play your decks they were super fun. As for everyone else I will be doing the rest tonight.
February 8, 2014 2:01 p.m.
MadScientist says... #14
I have another deck for you to play against if you are interested. This was the first deck I built when I got back into MTG and I have just made some tweaks to it after playing with the new rules and learning more about the new cards.
Sliveren Hoard Playtest
SCORE: 2 | 18 COMMENTS | 686 VIEWSThis deck played extremely well before the changes but had a lot of trouble with removal/control decks. I am hoping the tweaks make it more effective now.
February 8, 2014 4:14 p.m.
TrystonSpencer says... #16
BorosPlayer turn 1 you: Plains turn 1 me: Temple of Malice scryed Swamp left it on topturn 2 you: Plains Precinct Captain turn 2 me: Swamp Dreadbore on Precinct Captain turn 3 you: Plains Imposing Sovereign turn 3 me: Mountain Hero's Downfall on Imposing Sovereign turn 4 you: Plains turn 4 me: Rakdos Cackler unleashed as a 2/2 then Madcap Skills making him an 5/2turn 5 you: Plains turn 5 me: Mountain swing in for 5 knocking you down to 15turn 6 you: Plains turn 6 me: swing in for 5 then Rakdos Cackler unleashed knocking you down to 10turn 7 you: Plains turn 7 me: Temple of Malice scryed Underworld Cerberus kept on top swung for 7 dropping you to 3turn 8 you: Hero of Iroas Ethereal Armor making him an 4/4 turn 8 me: Dreadbore you Brave the Elements swing in for game.
turn 1 you: Plains turn 1 me: Blood Crypt turn 2 you: Plains Precinct Captain turn 2 me: Swamp Rakdos Shred-Freak turn 3 you: Plains swing in for 2 dropping me to 18 and getting a 1/1 then Brimaz, King of Oreskos turn 3 me:Blood Crypt playing another Rakdos Shred-Freak turn 4 you: Plains swinging in for 6 with everything except one token which I took. dropping me to 12turn 4 me: Swamp Desecration Demon turn 5 you: Plains sacrifice a token tapping Desecration Demon swinging in for 6 I double block brimaz but Rootborn Defenses taking 3 dropping me to 9turn 5 me: Swamp Herald of Torment turn 6 you: Plains Soldier of the Pantheon sacrificing token to tap Desecration Demon swinging for 7 blocked Precinct Captain with Herald of Torment took 5 dropping me to 4turn 6 me: Swamp Stormbreath Dragon turn 7 you:Imposing Sovereign sacrifice a token tapping Desecration Demon swing in for 9 blocked brimaz and Acolyte's Reward for game
turn 1 me: Rakdos Cackler unleashed 2/2 turn 1 you: Plains turn 2 me: Mountain swing in for 2 dropping you to 18turn 2 you: Plains Hero of Iroas turn 3 me: Dreadbore on Hero of Iroas swing in for 2 dropping you to 16turn 3 you: Hero of Iroas turn 4 me: Madcap Skills swing in for 5 dropping you to 11turn 4 you: Hero of Iroas turn 5 me: Rakdos Shred-Freak swing in for 7 double blocking Rakdos Cackler taking two dropping you to 9turn 5 you: turn 6 me: Madcap Skills swing in for 5 dropping you to 4turn 6 you: Plains Brimaz, King of Oreskos turn 7 me: Blood Crypt Hero's Downfall on brimaz swing in for game
I for sure without a doubt love your deck the games I won were only because of mana problems and maybe some bad playing on my part 10/10 I love it
February 8, 2014 6:28 p.m.
I see you liked my idea. :)
Feel free to play my deck again:
Four Color Control? In Standard? That Works? Playtest
SCORE: 3 | 8 COMMENTS | 376 VIEWSI made some changes and I want to see how they work out.
February 8, 2014 10:28 p.m.
Cobthecobbler says... #19
Awesome. Thanks for that. I love seeing outsiders pilot my decks. I do have to mention though on your first game you played BTE into Zealot which actually can't be done due to the RR but in that game it didn't matter much lol.
February 8, 2014 11:11 p.m.
TrystonSpencer says... #20
Metroid_Hybrid imma have to summarize because there is an error but anyway I really enjoyed playing your deck Im not sure exactly how modern Is suppose to go but our matches went great I won 2/1 you completely destroyed me first game but second and third game it came down to final draws and you just kept getting mana and I was getting exactly what I needed. Great deck thou :D thanks for letting me play it.
February 8, 2014 11:49 p.m.
TrystonSpencer says... #21
Cobthecobbler Wow your right haha sorry about thatI must of put mutavault into account as an colored mana facepalm
February 8, 2014 11:53 p.m. Please playtest! If you do post a comment on what I need(especially sideboard). Thx Tons!
flyguy says... #2
I would love some playtests on
How to Abuse ETB effects Playtest
Standard flyguy
SCORE: 9 | 16 COMMENTS | 1123 VIEWSThanks a ton!
February 7, 2014 9:04 p.m.