Anyone have any suggestions for a Grixis Standard deck?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 21, 2014, 8:35 a.m. by Sloanan

Here's mine

Black Stars Rise Playtest

Standard Sloanan


I'm taking this to FNM tonight, but I want to see if any of you fine fellows and felletes have any suggestions. I'm planning on buying a few shocklands and Hero's Downfall 's while I'm there, so that won't be a problem, but anything else you've got would be great, if that's your sort of thing...

Johnny5 says... #2

This is my Grixis deck, it's control but maybe some of my ideas can work with your deck as well My Mind > Your Mind.

The thing I noticed right off the bat with your Grixis deck is the lack of solid removal cards like Far / Away and Turn / Burn . These can get around almost any kind of protection, and the word "indestructible" means nothing to them. You have Dreadbore and Devour Flesh , both staples of Grixis, but seriously consider adding some more versatile spells. I can't tell you how many times i've drawn into a Devour Flesh when my opponent has a big ass creature I want to kill and some little punk creature, and the card was useless. So my suggestion looks like this...

-2 Devour Flesh -2 Swan Song +2 Far / Away +2 Turn / Burn

I avoided big money suggestions like Ral Zarek , Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and Stormbreath Dragon , but if you have the money to spend they are well worth it to make Grixis competitive.

February 21, 2014 9:30 a.m.

Sloanan says... #3

Thanks for the advice, Johnny5. Funnily enough, I've been thinking about it and was going to swap out some Devour Flesh's for some Far/Aways that I have. I didn't even think about Turn / Burn before, but that does seem like a fun one (I've barely considered izzet spells for some reason, and I'm realizing that is a mistake). I've got a couple of Ashioks, but I'm not sure what to take out. I'm considering removing Diabolic Tutor , but that might hurt the flexibility of the deck since I can't pull out what I need (of course, if I get Sire out, then there's no point in having it, since 4 mana will usually stop me from casting what I'm pulling out unless it's a kill spell).

February 21, 2014 10:10 a.m.

Khanye says... #4

Devotion to Grixis is something I have been tinkering with...take a look for ideas.

February 21, 2014 11:47 a.m.

Sloanan says... #5

Hey dudes,

Thanks for the comments. Just FYI, I've followed some of your suggestions and updated the deck. It did well at my local FNM. My losses were only due to manascrewing and then one bad move on my part, but overall I think the deck is much more solid now.

February 24, 2014 10:29 a.m.

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