Are elves viable in modern?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 3, 2013, 9:10 p.m. by Seten
So I recently made a mono green elves deck in modern, and I was wondering if there was any way elves can be viable in modern, and if so, how can I make my deck viable? Any and all help is extremely appreciated.
Narwek that's good to know. I feel the same way, but for whatever reason I've been getting a vibe that elves aren't that great, so I just thought I'd check. Any feedback on the deck i made?
November 3, 2013 9:22 p.m.
MTG_Player says... #4
they are viable but they wont win because they cant race most combo decks, control decks have board wipes, aggro decks have a chance and pack a ton of burn.
November 3, 2013 9:24 p.m.
MTG_Playerhmm. What do you think about ally decks? ALLIES, UNITE! KILL!
November 3, 2013 9:27 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #7
Actually Tooth and Nail decks can combo out pretty nicely.
November 3, 2013 10:09 p.m.
MindAblaze! you mean like merfolk? Yeah, I should make one of those.
November 3, 2013 10:15 p.m.
MindAblaze says... #9
Yeah. Mono-blue isn't my bag but they're quick and dirty those fish...
November 4, 2013 1:08 a.m.
Gidgetimer says... #10
My friend beat me rather soundly on turn 3 with an elf deck running Heritage Druid , Nettle Sentinel , and Glimpse of Nature . I'm not sure how he was planning on getting an extra turn after dumping his library into play since I stopped him after the tenth card he played since it was clear that he was going to draw the entire deck but he told me that once he had enough stuff in play he would have gotten an extra turn and then swung.
November 4, 2013 6:45 a.m.
MindAblaze says... #11
Glimpse of Nature is banned in modern but there's a split card from Dragons Maze that will do it. It requires blue mana though.
Narwek says... #2
Haha, this must be a joke, because Elves are the best tribe WoTC had ever made, especially in Modern
November 3, 2013 9:19 p.m.