armegeddon by jund
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 23, 2013, 2:26 a.m. by MrKnify
Building a themed destruction deck, I have not played with Jund before and would like some advice on cards with synergy that would be good with these colors.
armegeddon by jund
Building a themed destruction deck, I have not played with Jund before and would like some advice on cards with synergy that would be good with these colors.
Puffinbar says... #2
I don't play the Commander format but some generally excellent cards for Jund colors are Scavenging Ooze , Mutilate , Doom Blade , Putrefy , Flesh / Blood , Gaze of Granite , Golgari Charm , Liliana of the Veil , Liliana of the Dark Realms , Grisly Salvage , Lifebane Zombie , Rakdos's Return , Jarad's Orders , Varolz, the Scar-Striped .
August 23, 2013 4:03 a.m.