Apologies for the awful post, I accidentally posted it early assuming I could edit it.
The deck is based around colourless ramp with the end game being Colossi.
Myr are there for early game, as well as additional ramp.Steel Overseer is an excellent lord.Steel Hellkite is great removal, especially with so much colourless mana.Darksteel forge makes removal difficult late game.
Are there any alternative choices that would be preferable? All feedback is appreciated.
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DarkSolstice says... #2
Apologies for the awful post, I accidentally posted it early assuming I could edit it.
The deck is based around colourless ramp with the end game being Colossi.
Myr are there for early game, as well as additional ramp.Steel Overseer is an excellent lord.Steel Hellkite is great removal, especially with so much colourless mana.Darksteel forge makes removal difficult late game.
Are there any alternative choices that would be preferable? All feedback is appreciated.
September 13, 2013 2:38 p.m.