Attempt at standard Mill
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 11, 2014, 12:07 a.m. by MadScientist
So I keep getting told that Mill doesn't work well in standard so I sought out to build a deck that can work as a mill using creatures and control to keep it going long enough for mill to be a win-con.
Let me know your thoughts and what it could use to be a little more effective.
No Fate But What We make Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 8 COMMENTS | 1802 VIEWSMadScientist says... #3
I like these Ideas the wall of frost does make more sense than nighthowler at this point.
Night howler is kind of a late game card once there is a bunch of creatures in the graveyard it gets pretty big.
More removal is a good idea. Scourgemark and Pilfered Plans give me card draw I am not sure that taking them out is such a good idea. Card draw is so important IMO.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #2
I would strongly recommend Wall of Frost over Nighthowler . Wall of Frost provides the same amount of devotion and occupies the same mana slot but has a much greater effect on the game once Phenax, God of Deception resolves. Tapping to mill 7 is insane!
I would also recommend some additional removal. Hero's Downfall would be preferred but Doom Blade and/or Ultimate Price would work. I would drop Scourgemark and Pilfered Plans .
March 11, 2014 12:10 p.m.