Azorius Deck (standard 2013)
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 10, 2012, 4:38 a.m. by DarkFireDragon72
So i just got into magic not too long ago. i have a lot of decks but i right now im really azorius friendly. i made an azorius deck and i was hoping people could help me with it? right now my goal is to detain until my elocuters get the 5 filibuster counters and i win the game. but now i kinda wanna detain everything so i can swoop in for the kill with strong fliers! here is a list of all the cards i have in it:
2x soulsworn spirit
3x arrest
2x azorius justicar
2x palisade giant
4x martial law
4x azors elocutors
2x azorius charm
2x inaction injunction
3x blustersquall
2x unsummon
2x azorius arrester
2x supreme verdict
2x detention sphere
1x archon of the triumvirate
2x stealer of secrets
2x cyclonic rift
4x glacial fortress
10x plains
9x island
here is what im thinking of putting in:
2 more azorius charms
2 more detention sphere
4x hallowed fountain (instead of glacial fortress)
3x syncopate
3-4x think twice
MAYBE 2 dissipates, 2 Oblivion rings, 2 sphinx's revelation, 1 restoration angel, 1 angel of serenity, 4x azorius keyrune
1x rest in peace (for zombie decks)
1x jace, architect of thought
1x tamiyo, the moon sage
i will gladly appreciate any and all feed back! :) thank you!
evil_monkey says... #3
The biggest thing about any deck is consistency. You are going to have problems getting consistent play out of this deck without having 4 sets of your key cards. The next thing you want to think about is your overall strategy. This deck seems like it is just a little confused on exactly whatnot wants to do. card:Azor's Elocutors really like to be in turbo fog decks to protect themselves by preventing damage to yourself and them. Supreme Verdict is good, but is counterproductive to a creature based strategy. Azorius control is what seems to be what you are goin for, and if that is the case, I would reduce your creature count to around 10-11 and fill the rest of your board with control cards. If it were me, and this is just my preference, I would probably run these creatures for this strategy: 4x Lyev Skyknight 4x card:Azor's Elocutors and 3x Archon of the Triumvirate . Everything else I would consider a mix of counter spells, sweepers (Supreme Verdict , Terminus , overloaded Cyclonic Rift ), and board control through walkers and such.
That was probably a little convoluted, but hopefully helpful.
SwiftDeath says... #2
it depends on how good you want the deck to be if your looking for it to be competitive i have been following star city games open series and here is a link to the decks that have recently placed top 20 in tournaments sience return to ravnica's release. they are good decks and if you want to make it your own you can just swap whatever cards you want to.
November 10, 2012 4:51 a.m.