Back At it in the New Meta With Tron
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 17, 2020, 12:44 p.m. by car
Just got back into magic and I am trying to make my tron deck once again competitive plz help. Aaah Flying Spaghetti Monster!!! Oh wait its mine
Grubbernaut the point of pyroclasm is that it hits goblins, humans, stompy etc because it can activate before turn 4. turn 4 removal is often not viable because the game can end before that
January 17, 2020 11:25 p.m.
Grubbernaut says... #4
I think Sweltering Suns would be better, then, since you can cycle it in dead matchups.
January 21, 2020 9 a.m.
Grubbernaut says... #6
Drat, you're right; I was mixing it up with K Return.
Maybe Firespout is a reasonable consideration?
January 22, 2020 9:15 a.m.
maybe there just arent many cards that 3 hits that 2 doesnt hit. Hits goblin piledriver, stonforge mystic, t1 scooze, confidant, most tokens, most humans, eidolon, soulscar, swiftspear, snapcaster, bloodbraid elf, bloodghast etc. Not really sure what it doesn't hit. Seems like most of the 3+ toughness dudes are like goyf and cant be hit by firespout anyways. Additionally id prefer return over firespout because of instant speed.
January 22, 2020 10:16 a.m.
plus firespout usually wouldnt hit things with flying and not so it just seems better to have overall removal spells. One other thing i was wondering about is cutting ulamog and sanctum and adding another o stone, thragtusk and a 4th mini karn main.
January 22, 2020 10:40 a.m.
Grubbernaut says... #9
Yeah, I think Bolt would be a more major consideration for the MB than the mini-sweepers. I just hate having 100% dead cards if I can avoid it.
Maybe even Forked Bolt?
January 22, 2020 4:15 p.m.
what if i did a split what do u think the split should be. also tron decks have historically only played bolt when infect was a big thing but i feel that swarm decks are a bigger deal right now
January 22, 2020 8:36 p.m.
decided to switch to g tron for competitive reasons do u think once upon a time has a place in it.
Grubbernaut says... #2
Pyroclasm seems real bad, especially main deck. I think a cool red splash, although maybe also bad, would be Banefire .
K Return would be the premium sweeper of that variety, though, but O Stone is just impossible to beat.
January 17, 2020 2:52 p.m.