Bant BOTG yay or nay
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 19, 2014, 6:25 a.m. by zombiedude3500
looking for advice about making bant: advice would be greatly appreciated as i want to prove esper is not the only good standard control. thanks in advance :)
Slycne says... #2
While I really like being able to bring Mistcutter Hydra out of the sideboard, loosing Supreme Verdict and the 3rd-4th Sphinx's Revelation for Fiendslayer Paladin , Fleecemane Lion and Sylvan Caryatid strikes me as a poor trade. You no longer have access to some of the best in color and you've turned all your opponents otherwise dead removal back on. This leaves you awkwardly straddling the line between control and mid-range without benefiting from committing to either one fully.
Elixir of Immortality is also out of place here. This isn't that style of deck. An Elixir of Immortality plan is a very specific build of control that requires running all answers and card draw with minimal win-cons - usually 1 single card. You don't even want more than 1 Elixir of Immortality as the sole idea is to only start cycling all your cards once all your lands are on the table, it could be the last card in the deck and that's fine. You'll eventually find or get-back a win-condition or deck your opponent.
If you want to be more control I would cut the extraneous creatures and Elixir of Immortality for a few more lands, Supreme Verdict and Sphinx's Revelation . This would leave green as more of a surprise sideboard extension, much like how a few UW lists only splash black for sideboard cards. If you want to be more midrange cut back on the counterspells for a more threat heavy mainboard.
February 19, 2014 6:53 a.m.