BANT WALKER's (needs eyes)
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 18, 2014, 5:07 p.m. by Behgz
Bant Walker's BNG 2014 Playtest
SCORE: 3 | 2 COMMENTS | 41 VIEWSThe basic Theme of the deck is to overload your own starting hand with too many threats like Kiora, the Crashing Wave and Elspeth, Sun's Champion as well as Sphinx's Revelation and serious control cards like Supreme Verdict .
Because of this we are able to play around Thoughtseize in the format and still have ample gas left in hand after being hit once or even multiple times by hand disruption.
After game one, you can bring in Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Archangel of Thune from the side and catch them off-gaurd because they took their creature removal out after you beat them game one without a single creature aside from Elspeth soldier tokens.
The deck is currently a basic U/W control shell with a splash of green for Kiora, the Crashing Wave and there are two great mana dudes Kiora's Follower and Sylvan Caryatid they would help to ramp into 4-drops such as Kiora or Jace, Architect of Thought .
That opens up the problem of running mana creatures along side 4x Supreme Verdict which is obviously bad synergy, creature-based ramping to a board wipe is a huge nombo.
So my question for anyone who checks this thread, what direction should I take it, maintain the strong control presence with little to no creatures, or embrace the mana 'Dudes' and run few if any wrath effects like Supreme Verdict .
@Rasta_Viking29 Sounds like we're both working with decks that have everything short of kitchen sinks in them, basically too busy and needs to be more focused, I get that.
I tried out Master Biomancer back in ISD standard with Sorin, Lord of Innistrad making his +1/+0 emblem gave Master Biomancer a power of 3, so when I cast Lingering Souls the spirit tokens would enter with three +1/+1 counters, then receive the anthem effect from sorin's emblem and would settle at a lofty 5/4 flying spirit token, followed by promptly flashing back the Lingering Souls . It was a fun build but the one thing that held it back was it was too slow, about 1 turn to be exact.
The problem was actually Master Biomancer he had close to no impact on the board, and after I got my Sorin and Lingering Souls online, I'm already losing to my opponents strategy, the fact was Sorin with Lingering Souls was nearly enough on its own and Master Biomancer was a clunky road block that kept me bogged down, and basically time walks my opponent because you do next to nothing but drop a 2/4 body that turn. But if you think you've found a build that suites his needs better it might be worth looking into, that deck I ran is this brew here, in case you were curious;
Obzedat, Lording Innistrad Playtest
SCORE: 28 | 0 COMMENTS | 6429 VIEWSFebruary 18, 2014 6:30 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #4
I don't have high hopes for it right now and lack 3x Master Biomancer & 2x Archangel of Thune . I got the idea from playing against a Prime Speaker Bant deck that seemed very powerful but inconsistent.
I'm sleeving up a control build tonight to test against my Monsters deck. It might not be as good as U/W but it'll be more fun. I think people will like Kiora, the Crashing Wave a lot more when Jace is gone.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #2
I'm contemplating the same thing for my Bant deck. I'm leaning more midrange than control right now. I feel that U/W Control doesn't need a splash as evidenced by Esper fading from the tourney seen. Black adds disruption and more removal but dilutes what the deck does best: generate card advantage. Green gives ramp and an awesome finisher, not sure U/W Control wants/needs this. Creature ramp works against Supreme Verdict like you said and Elspeth, Sun's Champion , AEtherling , and Jace, Architect of Thought get the job done.
Currently toying around a superfriends/ramp build with Master Biomancer to pump my dorks and Elspeth tokens. Stuck at 62 cards and not sure if it's any better than the control build.
February 18, 2014 6:14 p.m.