Battle of the One Drops
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 20, 2014, 8:41 p.m. by Dalektable
For months now i have been running
A Good Man Goes To War Playtest
SCORE: 157 | 18 COMMENTS | 16684 VIEWSand now i'm starting to have a bit of a problem. One of my favorite cards in the format, Soldier of the Pantheon , has recently been causing me some problems. Most notably not being able to enchant him with a Gift of Orzhova , and although it may not seem like it i can't tell you how many times that has lost me a game. So now i am considering running Favored Hoplite over him. I have enough triggers to make him great alongside Fabled Hero , but i am having trouble making this decision. On one hand, Soldier of the Pantheon has such a relevant ability and can often times be an evasive beater early on. Favored Hoplite Is less evasive, still puts on early pressure, can't be destroyed after being targeted and will not cause me any problems. So, Tappedout community, what do you think? Should i remove Soldier of the Pantheon for Favored Hoplite ? Maybe work out some kind of balance, or replace all soldiers with hoplites but move some soldiers to the sideboard for control match ups or heavy multicolored decks? Comment on my deck or this thread and let me know! Thanks everyone!
My 2 cents is it all comes down to numbers. Like you mentioned there's a non-zero amount of games that will be lost due to Soldier of the Pantheon not playing nice with Gift of Orzhova . However, Favored Hoplite basically isn't a card unless you heroic it a few times - making multiples bad - and that's also going to loose you some number of games where even a vanilla 2/1 would have been fine.
There are 17 total cards that enable heroic. While it's probably pretty rare that you're choked completely on heroic enablers, you will get into top deck scenarios at times. And with the potential for multiple Favored Hoplite s or wanting to use that enabler on a better body I think this keeps me more in the Soldier of the Pantheon camp. There's only 3 Gift of Orzhova for the mis-interaction. I think that liability will ultimately come up less often than the other one.
Alternatively you could just split the middle and run Dryad Militant . Not as powerful one way or the other, but also always a constant.
February 20, 2014 9:17 p.m.
If you are running into trouble because you cannot enchant the Soldier of the Pantheon with your power beater in Gift of Orzhova , then change it. That is what I would do. Play it, test it, and see if the change suits your tempo better. The other option might be Loyal Pegasus .
February 20, 2014 10:48 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #5
Tithe Drinker ! lol, idk man, theyre bother good cards for what they do, but like the guy above me said, if you don't like it, change it.
Dalektable says... #2
bumping because i need help
February 20, 2014 9:13 p.m.