Begging For Sideboard Help!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 28, 2013, 4:58 p.m. by strateupjee
I have been playing my deck High Baron of the Desecrated Council (Orzhov Mid-Range) since Theros hit and quite frankly is still cannot handle either RDW or the new Mono-Blue phenomenon, and I desperately need help on how to sideboard here, I have tweaked my sideboard like 3 times now and it still isn't cutting it. My current sideboard (though I am trying to acquire 2x Ratchet Bomb and 2x Pithing Needle) is:
2x Duress2x Last Whisper2x Glare of Heresy2x Orzhov Charm3x Sin Collector2x Merciless Eviction
Please give me some help here! I am thinking Ultimate Price is a good way to go, however neither deck runs ALL mono-colored creatures so.
and i was thinking of some Child of Night it gives some early blockers you get to trade with and it will give some more life in the process.(unless they burn it but that still means avoided damage on you)
same goes for Pharika's Cure while it does have a body and a rather hard requirement. it has instantspeed but to be hones in this regard i like the above commented Last Breath more.
October 28, 2013 6:05 p.m.
strateupjee says... #5
Last Whisper was meant to be Last Breath, I typed it wrong. On the soldier of pantheon, I don't know how I feel about him, since I have a fairly strong match up against almost all of the prevalent decks BESIDES Mono-Blue and RDW. On the note of Mutavault, I actually want 2 for my mainboard. I have been iffy of Pharika's Cure in that it DOES gain me life and kill a lot of things, it also requires a hardcast black on turn 2.
Putrefy says... #2
Last Breath handles every real threat in Mono-Blu. Try replacing Orzhov Charm with it. Also you could try running some Soldier of the Pantheon they can help you get some early board presence. They are especially nice and annoying againt other multi-colored decks (I can relate with my G/B-Rock deck).
October 28, 2013 5:49 p.m.