best colors for a wild defience deck?
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 22, 2013, 4:16 p.m. by amishrambo
pretty self explanatory Wild Defiance
Yeah RUG has the best tempo instants. You might even find room for Nivmagus Elemental , it's a neat interaction that you can exile your spell and still get the buff from Wild Defiance , essentially giving +5/+5 to the magus. You can even run Downpour and target three of your own creatures, exile the spell with magus, giving a total boost of +11 for two mana
June 22, 2013 4:43 p.m.
amishrambo says... #4
but the problem with R/U/G is there is ALOT of good creature removal and I was thinking something like a G/W/R ramp n,stall with things like Thragtusk and Armada Wurm so I can always have a target to beef
June 22, 2013 4:59 p.m.
Effects like Wild Defiance works best with small, quick creatures. A bigger creature that is expensive should already pack a punch in combat, so giving a +3 is statistically less effective on the bigger creature than the smaller. Think of it this way: a 2/2 getting +3 is getting +150%; a 5/5 getting +3 is getting +60%. Since it's easier to cast smaller creatures, it's more efficient and effective to boost a lot of them than to waste time casting bigger ones that are more vulnerable to chump blocking.
June 22, 2013 8:42 p.m.
amishrambo says... #7
I see what your saying goody but I got some more questions 1. would it be best to focus instant speed pump or sorcery or Giant Growth vs Phytoburst
- what ratio of creature to pump would be optimal
10vernothin says... #2
Red/Green/Blue tempo deck with Giant Growth , Invisible Stalker , Delver of Secrets Flip , Guttersnipe , Titanic Growth , Nivix Cyclops , some bloodrush and Armed / Dangerous
June 22, 2013 4:20 p.m.